Page 9: of Marine News Magazine (October 2024)

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The Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities will receive funding to improve

Alaska Department of operations on the Alaska Marine Highway Sys-tem, which runs 3,500 miles and serves more

Alaska Transportation & Public Rural Ferry $66,050,400 than 30 communities with limited transporta-tion options. The federal support will add service

Facilities (DOT&PF) to remote communities and improve the condi-tion and quality of passenger ferry service.

The Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transpor-tation District will receive funding to buy a new

Golden Gate Bridge, Highway Electric/Low- low-emission ferry to replace an older vessel nearing the end of its useful life. The new ferry

California $4,900,000 and Trans-portation District Emitting will reduce emissions, enhance service and relia-bility for passengers, and relieve congestion on Bay-area roads by providing a viable alternative to congestion.

The San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) will re-

San Francisco Bay ceive funding to build two, new electric ferry vessels to support the agency's emission

Area Water Emer-gency Electric/Low-

California free ferry ser-vice between downtown San Francisco, Treasure Island and Mission Bay. $11,514,000

Transporta-tion Authority Emitting

The project will reduce congestion and provide fast, clean, and reliable ferry service to (WE-TA) growing neighborhoods with limited street access.

The Delaware River Bay Authority will receive funding to buy a new diesel-hybrid ferry

Delaware River and Bay Electric/Low- to re-place a vessel originally built in 1981 as part of daily transit services on the Cape

Delaware $20,000,000

Authority Emitting May-Lewes Ferry route. Upgrading to a hybrid vessel will provide more environmentally sustainable ferry service between Cape May, NJ and Lewes, DE.

The Jacksonville Transportation Authority will receive funding to buy a new diesel hybrid- electric ferry to provide service between the city of Jacksonville and surrounding com-

Jacksonville Trans-portation Passenger

Florida munities. The new vessel will reduce greenhouse gas emis-sions, promote environmental $15,600,000

Authority Ferry sustainability and provide a seamless, safe, reliable, and ef? cient connection for residents and visitors to north-east Florida, including rural Nassau County.

Chatham Area Transit will receive funding to buy new electric charging stations to support


Georgia Chatham Area Transit its Sa-vannah Belles Ferry ? eet. The project will im-prove the ef? ciency of the ? eet, including $691,000

Emitting two new diesel-electric hybrid vessels that are ex-pected to join the ? eet later this year.

The Rock Island County Metropolitan Mass Transit District (MetroLINK) will receive funding

Rock Island County to buy a new a battery-electric ferry, charging equipment to support a zero- emission ves-


Illinois Metropolitan Mass Transit sel along the Mississippi Riverfront, and to make land-side improvements. The project will $8,000,000


District (Me-troLINK) im-prove service, reliability, and state of good repair and improve air quality for passen- gers taking the ferry across the Mississippi River between Illinois and Iowa's Quad Cities.

The Plaquemines Port Harbor & Terminal District (PPHTD) will receive funding to replace two ferry landing barges on the Belle Chasse-Scarsdale evacuation route as well as a

Plaquemines Port Harbor & Passenger

Louisiana maintenance barge. The project will improve safety and gen-eral state of repair as the $4,732,022

Terminal District (PPHTD) Ferry

PPHTD provides vital east-west ferry service for Plaquemines Parish residents and com- muters from St. Bernard and Jefferson Parishes.

The city of Quincy, MA, in partnership with the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority

Massachusetts Bay (MBTA) will receive funding to modernize the Squantum Point Park Ferry Pier with a new pier,

Massa- Passenger

Transportation Au-thority/City ? oat and ramp system. The project aims to en-hance regional maritime transportation, con- $4,224,246 chusetts Ferry of Quincy MA necting Quincy, Boston, Milton, Weymouth, Braintree, and other communities to downtown

Boston's employment, healthcare and other services.

Anne Arundel County will receive funding to buy electric vessels to initiate new ferry

Anne Arundel County, Electric/Low- service be-tween Annapolis, the city of Baltimore and Mat-apeake Park. The proposed

Maryland $3,895,000

Maryland Emitting service would ac-commodate workers, residents and visitors and use existing port facili- ties at all three locations.

The Maine Department of Transportation will receive funding to modernize rural ferry termi-nals in the towns of Lincolnville and Islesboro that were originally built in 1959. This

Maine Department of

Maine Rural Ferry project will provide the infrastructure needed to sup-port the future operation of a new $16,568,000

Transportation hybrid elec-tric vessel that will service these communities. The improvements will include expanded dock-ing space for safe and ef? cient boarding and charging equipment.

New Jersey Transit will receive funding to install new equipment that will build resilience

New Passenger at the New York Waterway Weehawken Ferry Mainte-nance facility. The wave attenuator

NJ TRANSIT $6,328,309

Jersey Ferry will play a critical role in preventing waves, high tides and ? oods from harming vessels and impacting ser-vice.

County of Suffolk, NY, Passenger Suffolk County, in partnership with Cross Sound Ferry Services, will receive funding to mod-

New York $1,120,000

Department of Public Works Ferry ernize its ferry terminal to maintain passenger safety and ensure a state of good repair.

The New York City Department of Transporta-tion will receive funding to improve its

New York City De-partment of Passenger

New York mainte-nance capabilities at its Staten Island Ferry St. George Terminal. The funding will $5,750,000

Trans-portation Ferry enhance pas-senger safety and improve state of good repair.

The Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation will receive funding to modern-

Virginia Department of Rail Passenger

Virginia ize the passenger ferry slips at its Jamestown Scot-land Ferry Facility to maintain pas- $5,048,650 and Public Transportation Ferry senger safety and ensure a state of good repair.

Kitsap County Pub-lic Kitsap Transit will receive funding to buy a new ferry to replace an older vessel that operates

Washing- Passenger

Transportation Bene? t Area between Kingston, WA and downtown Seattle. The project will improve service and reliability $13,500,000 ton Ferry

Au-thority on a critical route to jobs, schools, doctors, and other essential services. MN 9|

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