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Insights to the next level. We were recently lucky to have hired a How much of Everett Ship Repair’s workload new general manager, Jon Shaton. Jon is a Navy veteran is commercial vs government projects, and and has worked in commercial and government ship repair how does this balance shift? Where do you see and new construction on every U.S. coast. His last stop greatest opportunity going forward?

was building frigates on the Great Lakes and he possess all In the ? rst couple years of operation, we had to continu- of the tools and knowhow to guide the yard in the direc- ally remind ourselves to “walk before we run”. But as we tion we need to go. We have a talented group of project rounded our second year in business, the complexity of managers, admin support, production management and work began to ramp up along with our capabilities. While crafts people that continue to up their game as we grow. we are still probably heavier on commercial work, we just

The apprenticeship program we run in concert with our had an MSC ship on our pier for in-water service and cur- sister yard, NBBB, feeds us a steady stream of young, hun- rently have a Navy Caisson in dock. We’d like to see a bit gry up and commers. more government work in the yard, but our commercial

Our recently approved Master Ship Repair Agreement customers have always been and will continue to be critical (MSRA) with the U.S. Navy, which governs process and to our business. We are con? dent that we can succeed in facility standards, coupled with our various workforce de- this balanced approach, and we have a plan for executing velopment initiatives has us positioned well to continue this mix with eyes wide open to the importance of how we and expand on a path of rapid growth. segregate these business lines.

Photo courtesy Everett Ship Repair 12 | MN October 2024

Marine News

Marine News is the premier magazine of the North American Inland, coastal and Offshore workboat markets.