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Repair & Conversion and seating for passengers.

The Woods Hole, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket

Schnoor added that the propulsion and steering systems will be thor-

Steamship Authority has served as the transportation oughly overhauled, and the controls, lifeline to the islands of Nantucket and Martha’s navigation and emergency equip-

Vineyard year-round since 1960, and today is the ment will be upgraded to meet cur- largest ferry service to the islands. It transported rent regulations.

more than 2.9 million passengers and more than

After all structural modi? cations are 690,000 vehicles to and from the islands in 2023.

complete, the vessel will be relaunched and ? nal out? tting and through test- ing will begin ahead of ? nal delivery in the second half of 2025. “The challenges of this project are primarily related to the complex co- ordination that is required for the various modi? cations. Sequencing the structural, electrical, piping and out? tting changes in a precise order to ensure the vessel meets the custom- er’s requirements is a key challenge,”

Schnoor said.

“Another challenge is the con? ned working environments within the ves- sel,” he added. “Much of the work takes place in tight spaces, where only a limited number of personnel can operate simultaneously.”

To overcome these challenges, Ala- bama Shipyard is employing detailed planning and coordination strategies,

Schnoor explained. “This includes developing a comprehensive project schedule that sequences each project phase and ensure that resources are al- located properly.” “Alabama Shipyard’s ongoing con- version projects underscore how traditional maritime practices can be adapted to meet contemporary needs,” Schnoor said. “By successfully transforming OSVs into ferries, the shipyard has demonstrated its exper- tise, adaptability and pro? ciency at repurposing vessels for new roles.” MN 35|

Marine News

Marine News is the premier magazine of the North American Inland, coastal and Offshore workboat markets.