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Brake-holding capacity is a robust 300 tons bare-drum. port personnel,” said Joseph Gabriel, Ampelmann’s business

Supplied with the winch is a skid-mounted HPU with a developer for U.S. wind. “We are excited to see this system 60HP/460VAC electric motor. The HPU includes a coun- operating in the U.S. for the ? rst time and we are particu- terbalance valve to prevent motor overspeeding; the unit larly thankful to be working with Seaway7 on this project.” has both a foot pedal and joystick for operation; safety fea- tures include an emergency-release button.

MacArtney’s All-electric eLARS

The winches will be delivered in 2025. MacArtney has delivered the world’s ? rst all-electric

Launch and Recovery System (eLARS), in collaboration

Ampelmann E5000 Gangway for Subsea 7 with Jan De Nul, who is focused on advancing sustain-

Ampelmann earlier this year signed a contract with Sea- able energy solutions. The eLARS was developed for Jan way7 to supply an E5000 gangway to support the con- De Nul’s offshore support vessel Symphony and its cable struction of a major U.S. offshore wind project. trencher, Sword? sh, marking a signi? cant departure from

The E5000 is the biggest motion compensated system conventional hydraulic systems.

in the world, Ampelmann said. With a lifting capacity of The eLARS, built on MacArtney’s proven technology, 4,600kg, it can enable both safe and ef? cient personnel offers reduced downtime and increased ef? ciency, while transfers as well as cargo operations in variable sea states. its design minimizes maintenance costs by eliminating the

Based on the proven technology of the E1000, it can switch need for spare parts, regular hose changes, and ? lter replace- between crane and gangway mode in less than a minute. ments, according to the manufacturer. Additionally, the

Because of its high cargo bearing capacity, the E5000 is par- absence of pressurized oil over water improves safety and ticularly well equipped to lift heavier generators, including environmental sustainability. Its compact design optimizes fuel and cables, that are required for larger turbines. deck space for more effective installation and operation.

The project supporting Seaway7, which marks the ? rst A standout feature of the eLARS is its intelligent self-as- tour of duty of the E5000 outside of Europe, is also a con- sessment capability, which allows for preventive maintenance tinuation of Ampelmann’s involvement in the emergent by alerting users to potential failures before they escalate.

U.S. offshore wind market on the heels of recent engage- The system also includes a high level of redundancy, ensur- ments in South Fork and Vineyard Wind. In fact, amid ing continuous functionality even if some electrical systems growing demand in the region, Ampelmann—headquar- fail. Moreover, the integrated control system can be operated tered in the Netherlands—has been expanding its local remotely from shore, streamlining operations further.

presence with trained operators and new of? ces in Provi- The eLARS package consists of an eA-Frame, Docking dence, R.I. and Boston. Head, and Winch, with the eA-Frame reaching a leg height “Over the past year the company has invested in hiring of 14 meters and a safe working load of 50 tonnes, sup- and training local operators as well as other operational sup- ported by advanced PLC technology for full remote control.

Ampelmann MacArtney MN 37|

Marine News

Marine News is the premier magazine of the North American Inland, coastal and Offshore workboat markets.