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Marine News October 2024 • Volume 35 Number 10

Contributors 3 1 24 6 5 7 8 1 Michael Complita, 5 Rhonda J. Moniz

PE, PMP, is principal in charge and VP of strategic ex- is an expert in diving technologies, underwater forensics, pansion at naval architecture and marine engineering and subsea systems, with a career spanning scienti? c div- ? rm Elliott Bay Design Group. He has more than 30 ing, ROV/AUV piloting and underwater exploration years of maritime industry experience. and conservation. She is also a seasoned journalist, ? lm- maker and podcast host.

2 Robert Kunkel, president of Alternative Marine Technologies and First 6 Barry Parker

Harvest Navigation, served as the Federal Chairman of bdp1 Consulting Ltd provides strategic and tactical of the Short Sea Shipping Cooperative Program under support, including analytics and communications, to the DOT’s MARAD from 2003 until 2008. He writes businesses across the maritime spectrum. He is a free- regularly for Marine News. lance writer and regular contributor to this magazine.

3 Edward Lundquist 7 Jeff Vogel is a retired naval of? cer who writes on naval, maritime, is a shareholder in Cozen O’Connor’s Transportation & defense and security issues. He is a regular contributor Trade Group. He focuses his practice on strategic and op- to Maritime Reporter & Engineering News, Marine News erational matters affecting the United States maritime in- as well as Marine Technology Reporter. dustry and on government contracts across all industries.

4 Erik Milito, 8 Kevin Williams a veteran energy industry association executive, is has more than 25 years’ experience in the maritime indus- president of the National Ocean Industries Association try, starting as a cadet, working at shipping and dredging (NOIA), a trade group representing America’s offshore companies before joining NOC. He also has a business energy industry. degree and a degree in engineering and management, is a chartered engineer with the Naval Institute and is cur- rently doing a MSc in Sustainable Maritime Operations.

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Marine News

Marine News is the premier magazine of the North American Inland, coastal and Offshore workboat markets.