Page 30: of Marine News Magazine (January 2025)
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Domestic Dredging
There’s more to domestic dredging than meets the eye. Dredging
Contractors of America CEO Bill Doyle is just the guy tell you why.
By Joseph Keefe illiam P. Doyle serves as the Chief Execu- Legislative Affairs for the Marine Engineers’ Bene? cial As- tive Of? cer of the Dredging Contractors sociation (AFL-CIO).
of America (DCA). DCA represents the In short, DCA couldn’t have a more knowledgeable – or dredging industry on key issues before Con- experienced – professional in its c-suite leadership role.
W gress and is an active partner to the U.S. Army Corps of Engi- But Doyle is more than a cheerleader. His advocacy on neers, public port authorities, state and local governments, as behalf of the nation’s dredging community spans myriad well as allied construction and maritime organizations. aspects of this complicated but critically necessary busi-
Immediately prior to this appointment, Mr. Doyle served ness. This month, he weighed in on ‘all-things-dredging’ as the Port of Baltimore’s Chief Executive for three years. with MarineNews.
He shepherded Maryland’s ports and terminal operations through the tumultuous downturn of cargo at the begin- Domestic Dredging: competitive, bustling, ning of the COVID-19 pandemic and through the micro- and ef