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medium-size unmanned maritime systems in lieu of try- ing to build more expensive surface combatants. Indeed, the unit price of an Arleigh Burke destroyer is $2.2 billion in 2024 dollars, while the cost of large- and medium-size unmanned maritime systems is a fraction of that cost.

Making Uncrewed Systems Affordable

An ST Engineering

While the unit cost of uncrewed systems makes them vessel equipped with the a seemingly affordable option, the devil is in the details.


For years, if not decades, uncrewed systems of all kinds, conducts autonomous navigation and force especially uncrewed maritime systems, have been mired in protection maneuvers during a manpower-intensive paradigm.

an Unmanned Surface

One of the most pressing challenges for all navies is to

Vessel (USV) capabilities demonstration at Marine reduce the prohibitively burdensome manpower footprint

Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH).

currently necessary to operate uncrewed systems. Man-

U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Terry Stennett power makes up the largest part of the total ownership cost of naval systems. If uncrewed maritime systems are to make up a signi? cant part of any navy, the need to move As these events continued, Navy event planners were beyond the “many operators, many-joysticks, one-vehicle” keen to explore even more ambitious uses of AI-enabled paradigm that has existed during the past decades for most technologies for USVs. During exercise Integrated Battle uncrewed systems is clear and compelling. Problem 21, a T38 Devil Ray made a 150-mile round trip

For this reason, uncrewed systems (and especially un- autonomous transit from San Diego to San Clemente Is- crewed surface vessels) manufacturers are not only focused land while autonomously dropping two objects. on the performance characteristics of their platforms Working with U.S. Fourth Fleet, a T38 Devil Ray made (speed, endurance, stealth and other attributes), but are autonomous, high-speed intercepts at more than 70 knots, as now inserting AI-technologies into their boats in order to well as follow-on demonstrations designed to show how au- make them more autonomous, aiming for a new concept tonomous craft could trail and intercept drug-smuggling ves- of operations where one operator can effectively control sels. High speed for the uncrewed surface vessels are key to multiple uncrewed surface vessels, which, themselves, will keeping up with narco “go fast” boats. For this mission, the in- be “working together and communicating with each oth- tercept speeds need to be performed at, or in excess of, 50kts.

er” through the use of advanced AI concepts.

While the list of companies that produce uncrewed sur- More Uncrewed Surface Vessels & More Autonomy face vessels is large—and growing—there are some that To be clear, this is not a shout-out to one USV manu- have been leading this effort. These manufacturers have facturer, but simply “grabbing the headlines” from several ? elded USVs (such as Saildrone, MANTAS, Devil Ray, transparent and well-chronicled Navy and Marine Corps

Corsair, GARC, LRUSV and others) that have—or are events. The Sea Services have plans for an ambitious se- planned to have—various levels of autonomy “baked in.” ries of exercises, experiments and demonstrations this year

It is beyond the scope of this article to do a deep dive into and beyond that are intended to further “wring out” AI- how all these uncrewed surface vessels will operate more au- enabled technologies.

tonomously than earlier generations of USVs. As just one If the uncrewed surface vessel industry is to thrive, it example, the T12 MANTAS and T38 Devil Ray, both built must leverage what the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps have by Maritime Tactical Systems, Inc. (MARTAC), have demon- achieved during these events and others and ? nd ways to strated various levels of autonomy in a number of U.S. Navy leverage AI-technologies more fully going forward. As the and Marine Corps exercises, experiments and demonstrations. ability of these uncrewed maritime systems to perform a

For example, the MANTAS and Devil Ray both have plethora of missions becomes increasingly dependent on a

AI-technologies that enable them to abide by the Conven- high degree of autonomy, we will likely see more emphasis tion on the International Regulations for Preventing Col- on what’s inside the craft, not just attributes highlighted at lisions at Sea (COLREGS). In one Navy exercise, a MAN- trade shows. Whether used in the military or private sec-

TAS ran a 25-waypoint autonomous mission around San tor, needing fewer operators will make uncrewed surface

Diego harbor, demonstrating COLREGS compliance. vessels increasingly affordable. MN 41|

Marine News

Marine News is the premier magazine of the North American Inland, coastal and Offshore workboat markets.