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Marine News March 2025 Volume 36 Number 3

Marine News (ISSN#1087-3864) (USPS#013-952)

Editor’s Note

New York: 118 E. 25th St., New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 477-6700; fax: (212) 254-6271

The ? nal two months of 2024 and the ? rst two in 2025 that followed were, in a word, a whirlwind for me.


I could very well be talking about the recent elections,

John C. O’Malley • [email protected] but instead, I reference the renewed privilege of being

Publisher & Editorial Director trusted at the helm of MarineNews after a ? ve-year hia-

Greg Trauthwein • [email protected] tus in retirement. The work is never easy, nor boring.


At the same time, my enjoyment in seeing the ? nished

Joe Keefe • [email protected] product never ends. As I pass the baton back into better

Tel: 704-661-8475 hands, [my] long-suffering readers should know that I

Contributing Writers intend to continue contributing to this brand; as need-

Robert Kunkel, Rhonda Moniz, Barry Parker, Jeff Vogel ed and as directed by the publisher. I look forward to it.


This edition of MarineNews is particularly strong;

Production & Graphics Manager

Joseph Keefe, Editor,

Nicole Ventimiglia • [email protected] ticking all boxes on the editorial calendar with im- [email protected] pactful submissions, and a raft of information which will no doubt strengthen your brand, products and


Vice President, Sales & Marketing services. Maritime attorney Jeff Vogel returns to our pages this month with a tightly

Terry Breese • [email protected] woven synopsis of what’s happening inside the Beltway. And, the whirlwind there is

Tel: 561-732-1185 Fax: 561-732-8414 spinning particularly fast these days. There is much emphasis in the so-called main-

Advertising Sales Managers stream media about the impacts of DOGE and the new President’s policy changes on

Lucia Annunziata • [email protected] the general economy. As Mr. Vogel shows us, the impact to the collective domestic

Tel: 212-477-6700 ext 6240 Fax: 212-254-6271 waterfront is, and promises to be even more impactful.

John Cagni • [email protected]

Separately, and no less important, our feature article is based in part on an unusu-

Tel: 631-472-2715 ally candid interview with Kasper Karlsen, Global Chief Operating Of? cer of the

Frank Covella • [email protected]

Svitzer Group. Svitzer doesn’t operate a single vessel in the Jones Act arena, but what

Tel: 561-732-1659 Fax: 561-732-8063 their 4,000 employees do (and how they do it) on board 456 far-? ung boats located

Mike Kozlowski • [email protected] in 141 ports and 37 countries around the globe, in a word, matters. Domestic mari-

Tel: 561-733-2477 Fax: 561-732-9670 ners and operators of our impressive ? eet of ~4,000 workboats can, and should take

Gary Lewis • [email protected] notice. The story starts on page 26.

Tel: 516-441-7258

Regular MarineNews contributor Rhonda Moniz is back this month, reporting on the enormously vital U.S. oceanographic research community, which depends


Manager, Marketing on a complex network of ships and institutions for scienti? c discovery at sea. The

Mark O’Malley • [email protected]

University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) is the central or-

Accounting ganization that provides scientists with access to advanced research ships and tech-

Esther Rothenberger • [email protected] nology to explore the world’s oceans. The challenges of keeping those ships a? oat and

Tel: 212-477-6700 ext 6810 in compliance is daunting. Follow along as Rhonda tells us why.

Manager, Info Tech Services

As always, no issue of MarineNews is complete without our long-running INSIGHTS

Vladimir Bibik feature. AWO President & CEO Jennifer Carpenter this month weighs in on the oner-

CIRCULATION ous California 2022 amendments to the Commercial Harbor Craft rule, a move that

Kathleen Hickey • [email protected]

Tel: 212-477-6700 ext 6320 industry leaders, including AWO’s Carpenter, have called both “draconian and danger- ous.” They are spot on. Turn the page to ? nd out why. Meanwhile, and for our domestic

TO SUBSCRIBE: waterfront, the New Year’s ? rst quarter has been nothing short of a whirlwind. That’s

Subscriptions to Marine News (6 printed issues) for one year are not going to change any time soon. Looking ahead, you can keep abeam of new devel- available for $50.00; Two years (12 printed issues) for $80.00.

Send your check payable to: opments right here in these pages. I will be here,

Marine News, 118 E. 25th St., New York, NY 10010 reading – and writing – right alongside you.


Marine News (ISSN# 1087-3864) is published bi-monthly (6 times per year) by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. 118 E 25th St. New York, NY 10010-1062. Periodicals Postage Paid at New York, NY and additional mailing of? ces.

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Marine News 850 Montauk Hwy. #867 Bayport, NY 11705

The publisher assumes no responsibility for any misprints or claims or actions taken by advertisers. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising. Contents of the publication either in whole or part may not be produced without the express permission of the publisher. 4 | MN March 2025

Marine News

Marine News is the premier magazine of the North American Inland, coastal and Offshore workboat markets.