Page 60: of Marine Technology Magazine (January 2016)
Underwater Vehicle Annual: ROV, AUV, and UUVs
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Kongsberg Singlebeam
Echo Sounder
Kongsberg Maritime released its ? fth generation of single- beam echo sounder designed for shallow to medium depth wa- ters and for hull mounted side scan systems. The new EA 440 supersedes the established EA 400 single beam platform with the addition of a new Wideband Transceiver (WBT), which provides for much more ? exible installation and operation.
All users of the EA 400 will be offered an upgrade path to this The EA 440 hardware is designed for using up to four chan- new enhanced version. nels at the same time in a small and ruggedized transceiver
The new WBT unit in the EA 440 covers all frequencies and unit, which makes for easier and more ? exible installation. comes with a complete new topside software with a number of The WBT can be set up to use any frequency between 30 kHz new and improved features. The system now uses FM Chirp as and 500 kHz, which means it can be connected to any trans- the transmit pulse, which offers longer range from less power, ducers on the market.
resulting in a much higher range resolution. www.km.kongsberg.com
Rowe Releases The SeaSEVEN
RoweTech presents its new innovation in ADCP’s, the Sea-
SEVEN, a Research Grade Doppler Pro? ler. According to the company this is the ? rst coordinated seven-beam pro- ? ler on the market, and it is designed with maximum per- formance and ? exibility for advanced research, featuring: dual frequency, high ping rate/resolution/accuracy, and long range performance with ultimate controllability. To best serve today’s data-rich environment, the SeaSEVEN fea- tures a high capacity data recorder, multi-mission capabil- ity, external sensor integration and ultra-fast Ethernet data download. It also offers a low aperture splayed beam ar- ray and modern electronics. The SeaSEVEN is designed to solve dif? cult application requirements. Data can be used in turbulence, waves, sediment transport, renewable energy,
Reynold’s Stress and Bottom Boundary layer research. www.rowetechinc.com
Image: Global Marine Systems Limited
Augmented Reality App
Global Marine Systems Limited GMSL APP brings Global
Marine’s images to 3D life. The technology shows digital information, in this case 3D models, overlaying static im- ages in real-time via the camera view of either a smartphone or tablet. Users can take a 3D tour of installation vessel C.S.
Sovereign or the Q1000 ROV – key assets for Global Ma- rine in the power market. Alternatively, switch to X-Ray
View to read more information about each key feature of the two by pressing the hotspots shown in the 3D image. The app is available for free download from the App Store or
Google play by searching ‘GMSL’. www.globalmarinesystems.com
January/February 2016 60
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