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BLUEPRINT SUBSEAS BLUE VENTURE FORUM CELLULA ROBOTICS www.blueprintsubsea.com www.blueventureforum.org www.cellula.com
Designing and developing underwater The Blue Venture Forum is a program Cellula Robotics achieved a milestone acoustic sensors since 2006, Blueprint that connects existing blue technol- with the commencement of sea trials
Subsea are innovators within the subsea ogy companies, investors, and resource for its Solus-XR XLUUV project. The and global defense markets. Blueprint providers with emerging blue technol- project, which was initiated in early offers 2D imaging sonar, sidescan sonar, ogy ? rms. This forum assists corporates 2023, signi? es a pivotal step forward in acoustic positioning beacons, and mili- (primes) to identify new technologies the company’s quest to develop long- tary diver navigation systems. for partnership or acquisition, helps range autonomous underwater systems
Blueprint serves the subsea market scale-up companies to connect with powered by hydrogen fuel cells. The with three distinct product ranges. Ocu- funding and resource partners, assists Solus-XR XLUUV project builds upon lus 2D multibeam imaging sonars are investors to connect with investable blue the success of its predecessor, Solus- available in multiple con? gurations, in- technology ? rms, and provides start-ups LR, and has been engineered to achieve cluding several dual frequency systems. with access to experienced mentors. unparalleled operational capabilities,
Each option has an identical form factor, The Blue Venture Forum is dedicated boasting an range of 5,000 km. One of all easily interchangeable to suit the task to creating a global community that the de? ning features of Cellula’s Solus- at hand. With three depth variations on fosters and supports entrepreneurs and XR XLUUV is its stature, spanning an offer, there is an Oculus for any subsea innovators in blue technology, ocean- impressive 40 feet in length. This sub- application. As well as multibeam sonar, related enterprises, and related deep stantial size accommodates the incorpo-
Blueprint manufactures StarFish sides- tech verticals. Blue Venture Forum has ration of two highly customizable pay- can systems, a compact, lightweight so- brought high-value, blue tech focused, load bays, each with a capacity of 2,500 lution which delivers exceptional image programming to over 1,000 partici- liters. Such versatility ensures that the quality for shallow water surveys and pants, supported dozens of promising Solus-XR XLUUV can be adeptly tai- search and rescue missions. They also blue technology startups through men- lored to suit a wide spectrum of mission produce SeaTrac acoustic positioning torship and matchmaking, and helped requirements, ranging from intricate systems, which can be integrated onto investors to better understand the trends surveillance ventures to intricate equip- an ROV, AUV or attached to a diver for in blue technology investment and con- ment deployments.
precision asset tracking and data collec- nect them with blue tech founders. Their Notably, the system’s port-to-port mis- tion. Designed speci? cally for military Blue Innovation Symposium, going into sion capacity eliminates the need for divers and special forces units, Artemis its ninth year, has become one of the auxiliary support vessels, greatly en- diver navigation systems are built to largest blue technology event in New hancing access to challenging and re- meet the complex requirements of the England, regularly attracting a global mote environments often encountered in global defense sector. Engineered for audience of leaders in business, science, Arctic sub-ice missions. The hydrogen mission planning, covert navigation, and from key governmental and aca- fuel cell technology integrated into the target detection and acoustic underwa- demic organizations, including NOAA, Solus-XR XLUUV not only extends its ter communication, the Artemis systems BOEM, and the US Navy. In 2023, Blue operational range but also aligns with offer advanced capabilities through Venture Forum launched several new Cellula’s commitment to environmental cutting-edge technology and intuitive initiatives including the ? rst ever Blue sustainability by minimizing its ecologi- software. Helping to support operators Venture Investment Summit, and its In- cal impact. in the most hostile environments. Water Demonstration Day. 66 September/October 2023
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