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Waukesha Engine Names
Donald E. Bates To
Sales Post in Kuwait
Donald E. Bates has been ap- pointed sales engineer in the In- ternational Sales Group of Wau- kesha Engine Division, Dresser
Industries, Inc.
Captain Greenwood began his career as a cadet on the Canadian
Pacific Railway's Empress pas- senger ships in the mid-1980s.
Acquiring his deck officer's li- cense, he sailed on the China coast with the Indo-China Steam
Navigation Company until taken prisoner during World War II. He returned to the company in 1944, sailing out of Bombay to South
Africa until the China coast opened again in 1945. He received his master's license in 1946 and his first command in 1948. In 1952, he returned to Vancouver,
British Columbia, then emigrated to Seattle to begin his long career with AML/APL.
In announcing Captain Green- wood's retirement, Mr. Deering commented that we all wish to thank him for the many years of dedicated service he has contrib- uted, first to American Mail Line, then to American President Lines.
Planning Research
Promotes Paul Coyle
Lt. Comdr. Paul D. Coyle, USN (ret.), was promoted recently to site manager of Planning Re- search Corporation, Maintenance
Systems Group, 4898 Ronson
Court, San Diego, Calif. 92111.
Mr. Coyle is presently serving as secretary-treasurer of the San
Diego Section of the American
Society of Naval Engineers.
Donald E. Bates
Based in Kuwait, Mr. Bates will cover Egypt, United Arab Emi- rates, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen,
Pakistan and Afghanistan. He is responsible for distributor sales of the division's complete line of diesel and gas engines and power generation equipment in those countries.
Mr. Bates came to Waukesha
Engine from GEC Gas Turbines,
Whetstone, England, where he was project engineer. His back- ground also includes technical marketing experience with an
Australian distributor for the
English firms of Mirrlees-Black- stone and Brush Electrical Equip- ment.
A 1970 honors graduate of
Cambridge University, Mr. Bates holds a degree in engineering.
Waukesha Engine Division is a manufacturer of heavy duty diesel and gas engines for the petroleum, marine, off-highway, and power generation markets.
It also makes power generation equipment for prime and stand-by use.
APL Names Kenneth Passe
Mgr. Offshore Operations
Kenneth H. Passe has been named manager, offshore opera- tions-Pacific Northwest for Amer- ican President Lines, Ltd., as- suming the position held by Capt.
Harry Greenwood, who has re- tired after almost 27 years of service with APL and its former subsidiary, American Mail Line.
The announcement was made by
APL vice president-Marine Oper- ations Charles M. Deering.
A native of Seattle, Wash., Mr.
Passe returns to the Pacific North- west after serving four years in
APL's headquarter offices in Oak- land, Calif., as system-wide man- ager of facilities maintenance and repair. A 1969 graduate of the
California Maritime Academy, he sailed with Grace and AML until returning to the University of
Washington, where he received his B.A. degree in business. In 1973, he joined AML's Engineer- ing Department, and following
AML's merger into APL, he was transferred to San Francisco.
Telephone: 045-681-1861
Inouye & Company Ltd. 80, Onoe-Cho 5, CHOME,
Telex: 3822-253
Cable: "Inouye Yokohama"
Telephone: 593331
Cambiaso-Risso & C S p.A.
Corso Andrea Podesta 1, 16121 Genoa
Tele* 28284 Amarge 28265 or 27203 Gipenna
Mr J Kuiper
Telephone: 01-283 2651
Samuel Stewart & Co {London) Ltd
Bevis Marks House
Bevis Marks
London EC3A 7LD
Telex 886001
Cable Stewarlond Ldn.
Telephone 010-365500. Ext 235
Vinke & Co., Consulting Engineers and Marine Surveyors 56 Westerstraat, Rotterdam
Telex 23516
Telegrams Vinkesurvey
Mr H van Son
Telephone: 212 269-3170
Marine Repair & Construction
Corporation International
Suite 112717 Battery Place,
New York N Y10004
Telex: 12-9247
Mr. F A Ganter
James L. Taylor & Associates 210 O'Keete
PO Drawer 53273
New Orleans, LA. 70153
Telephone: (504) 525-6325
Telex 587345 Jim Taylor NLN
Telephone: 414765
Titlestad & Hauger
Prinsensgate 2,
Oslo 1, Norway
Telex: 11715
Mr. O M. Skau-Johansen
Telephone: 553.11-49
AUVREY el cie 26 Avenue Victor Hugo. 75116 Pans
Telex 630236
Mr P Folliard
Telephone: {031)-335920
Euro Shipping
Jordaenskaai 24.
B-2000 Antwerp
Telex 31389
Telephone: 243-8539
Engenharia Transportes
Comercio S.A.
CEP 20000
Rio de Jantero
Telex: 2121158 BETC
Telephone 366177
Wilhelm Schmidt
Steckelhorn 9 2000 Hamburg 11
Telex 215278
Mr H Schmidt
Telephone 4127210
Lambert Brothers (Hellas) 1 Makras Stoas
Telex 212242
Mr. PG Lefkaditis
Hongkong United Dockyards Limited
Kowloon Docks
Hung Horn
Telephone: 3-334111
Telex 73547 HX
Victualling and carrying mail to ships
Flag us for help -fast
Servicing a single buoy mooring
Murray & Stewart Marine (Pty) Ltd.
South African Diving
Services (Pty) Ltd., Southern
Offshore Supplies (Pty) Ltd.,
Land & Marine and Salvage
Contractors S. A. (Pty) Ltd.,
Court Helicopters (Pty) Ltd.,
Cape Point Ship Chandlers (Pty) Ltd.
CAPE TOWN: Box 1909, C.T. 8000.
Telephone 55-1375. Telegrams
Mustmarine C.T. Telex 570817 SA
DURBAN: Box 18102, Dalbridge 4014. Telephone 48-1261.
Telex 64318 SA.
Centrahil 6006. Telephone 2-8106.
Telex 747 799 SA.
Repairs at sea or in dry dock
Our representative in Europe is:
Mr. F. J. Emond, c/o Samuel Stewart & Co. (London) Ltd.,
Bevis Marks House, Bevis Marks, London EC3A 7 Lb,
Tel. 01-283 2651, Telex: 886001, Cable: Stewarlond Ldn.
The full alert marine service around Southern Africa
You can flag Murray & Stewart Marine Services anytime, anywhere, on the Southern African coast.
They are always on full alert. From ship repair to airlifting supplies by helicopter, salvage and provisioning, they remain on permanent standby.
Airlifting spares by helicopter
September 1, 1978 49