Page 6: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1978)
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APL To Build Five
New Containerships
American President Lines, Ltd. (APL) has applied for construc- tion-differential subsidy (CDS) to aid in the construction of five new containerships, with an option of building only four. The vessels will be used in APL's trans-Pacific services.
APL's 20-year operating-differ- ential subsidy agreement with the
Maritime Administration requires the company to award contracts for at least two new replacement vessels by December 31, 1978. The two ships would replace the Pres- ident's Lincoln and Tyler (C4 par- tial containerships) and the Pres- ident Grant (a C6 full container- ship declared a total constructive loss in 1976).
By constructing five vessels,
APL seeks to also replace the C6 containerships President's Polk,
Monroe, and Harrison. APL fur- ther proposes that the replaced vessels "be disposed of by trade- in or sale to the Maritime Admin- istration in accordance with Sec- tion 510 of the Merchant Marine
Act of 1936, as amended."
The five new C9-S-132a-type containerships would each have a deadweight capacity of approxi- mately 32,260 tons and a sea speed of about 24 knots. Each vessel would have a capacity of approximately 2,476 TEUs (20- foot equivalent units).
A shipyard has not yet been selected.
Kongsberg Systems, Inc.
Names Ambjor President
Kongsberg Systems, Inc., 10
DeAngelo Drive, Bedford, Mass. 01730, has announced the appoint- ment of Erik Ambjor as presi- dent. Mr. Ambjor succeeds Dr.
Trond Bue, who has recently as- sumed another position with
Kongsberg Systems' parent com- pany, Kongsberg Vaapenfabrikk of Norway.
World's first Multi-Purpose continuous Bulk Unloader and
Portainer Crane.
Recognized PACECO dependability, quality and durability are yours with this g versatile new system. r-.:-fi s
Bulk Unloading
Continuous production of free flowing materials: up to 5500 metric tons per hour. Unloads iron pellets, ore concentrates, coal, sugar, sand, gravel wood chips, copra, grain, fertilizer and others
Cleans ships wings and corners—usually without mechanical assistance.
Container Handling
Loads and unloads containers with the efficiency and precision you expect from the manufacturers of world famous Portainer® and
Transtainer® cranes.
General Cargo
Versatile capability up to 35 metric tons by adaption of magnets and grapples for scrap, lifting beam for lumber and palletized cargo.
It's here—all these capabilities are available for your termi- nal in one consolidated unit—the Paceco Multi-Purpose
At a low initial investment and with minimal maintenance and operator training, this equipment can increase your port's versatility.
Encourage new business by offering convenience, speedy scheduling and fast ship turnaround. A variety of ship's cargos can be handled in your modern port. No worry about having the appropriate handling equipment—Bulk,
Container General Cargo.
The bottom line results of having the Paceco Multi-Purpose
Unloader in your terminal: Greater tonnage and enhanced earnings!
Put our world of experience to work for you.
Write or telephone today. We are ready to schedule your delivery and installation.
PACECO. Dept. 10-C, Alameda. CA 94501, USA. Tel (415) 522-6100. Telex 335-399. / PACECO INTERNATIONAL. LTD. 20/26 Wellesley Road. Croydon, Surrey, CRO 9XB, England.
Tel: 01-681-3031 Telex 946-698 8
Erik Ambjor
Mr. Ambjor has been the pres- ident of Norcontrol USA, Inc. since 1970, and will direct all of
KSI's business activities, includ- ing the merger of Norcontrol
USA, Inc. as the Marine Division of Kongsberg Systems, Inc. The merger coincides with the acqui- sition of Norcontrol in Norway by Kongsberg Vaapenfabrikk, one of Norway's largest industry firms and the parent company of Kongs- berg Systems, Inc. and Norcontrol
USA, Inc.
Mr. Ambjor holds a Master of
Science degree in electrical engi- neering from New Jersey Insti- tute of Technology, and attended additional graduate studies in theoretical physics at Stevens In- stitute of Technology.
Previous to serving at Nor- control, Mr. Ambjor had many years of engineering and engi- neering management experience at The Singer Company, Princeton
University Forestal Research Cen- ter, ITT Federal Laboratories, and
Linde Development Laboratories.
Mr. Ambjor was chosen because of his background in the areas of computerized drafting systems, flame cutting, and marine auto- mation.
Kongsberg Systems, Inc., Data
Division is a major supplier of turnkey computer controlled drafting systems and flame cut- ting controllers supplying the au- tomotive, aerospace, cartographic, shipbuilding and data processing industries in the U.S., Mexico and
Canada. Norcontrol USA, Inc. is a leading supplier of computer integrated navigations, vessel dy- namic positioning systems, gyro- compasses, autopilots, steering systems, and engine room sys- tems.
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News