Crowley To Provide Maintenance Services Worldwide For Navy

Crowley Maritime Salvage, Inc., San Francisco, Calif., was recently contracted by the United States Navy to provide equipment maintenance and environmental protection services, according to an announcement by Leo L. Collar, executive vice president of Crowley Maritime Corporation, CMS parent company.

The contract calls for CMS to manage the Navy's salvage and pollution - abatement - equipment warehousing system, and to provide salvage-related and offshore oil-pollution-abatement services on a worldwide basis.

To handle the contract's domestic warehousing and equipment maintenance requirements, CMS has fully staffed warehouses in Stockton, Calif., and Williamsburg, Va. Equipment warehoused in U.S. military facilities at two overseas locations, Livirno, Italy, and Singapore, will receive regularly scheduled maintenance as well, but full-time manning is not anticipated.

Crowley Environmental Services Corporation, a CMS affiliate, will provide the contract's pollution cleanup and prevention services.

When services are required, CES will mobilize personnel to deal with salvage-related offshore oil and hazardous materials spills anywhere in the world, and operate the Navy's equipment to combat the spills. The firm will also provide a variety of contingency planning and related consultation services.

Crowley's extensive international facilities and personnel will be utilized to provide additional support as required.

Crowley Maritime Corporation is an international marine transportation firm headquartered in San Francisco.

Other stories from October 1978 issue


Maritime Reporter

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