H i g h Pressure Filter Selection G u i d e From P a u l - M u n r o e Hydraulics

Paul-Munroe Hydraulics, Inc., Orange, Calif., PMH Products Division, recently a n n o u n c e d the availability of an easy-to-use sixpage selection guide f o r 1 o-micron and 10-micron high flow pressure filters.

Matching a filter and element to your hydraulic system has been simplified with the addition of color-coded a p p l i c a t i o n c h a r t s.

E n g i n e e r i n g specifications and physical dimension of all options have also been included in this brochure.

Standard options include disposable and stainless steel recleanable elements, reverse flow filters, electrical element cleanliness indicators, visual and electrical by-pass indicators.

A copy of the Guide may be obtained by writing to Arlene Corkhill, Paul-Munroe Hydraulics, Inc., PMH Products Division, 1701 West S e q u o i a A v e n u e, Orange, Calif. 92668.

Other stories from January 1980 issue


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