Chesapeake Section SNAME Hears Ocean Energy Systems Paper

Authors William W. Rogalski and Eric A. Midboe, both of Gibbs & Cox, Inc., Wilbur G. Sherwood, National Science Foundation, and Feat Szeto, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, presented a paper titled "The State of the Art in Alternate Ocean Energy Systems" at the December meeting of the Chesapeake Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.

In his presentation, Mr. Rogalski provided an overview of a variety of wave and current energy conversion systems. Wave energy extraction systems included heaving/ pitching/rolling, Mazuda (cavity resonator), w a v e f o c u s i n g, pressure actuated, and rotating devices, while the current energy extraction devices covered rotary (axial and radial flow) and linear types. In delineating design and evaluation criteria f o r these systems, the a u t h o r p o i n t e d out clearly that although it is rela- tively simple to extract wave or current energy, many problems are encountered in converting this energy into useful or usable forms.

Coupled with the problem of cost effectiveness, design criteria (operability, maintainability, environmental impact, etc), and deployment of n e c e s s a r i l y l a r ge structures, the overall complexity of wave and current energy conversion presents a f o r m i d a b le challenge to the ocean engineering community. However, similar c h a l l e n g e s relating to floating platforms, mooring systems, etc., have been overcome by the adaptation of a complete system optimization concept.

Mr. Rogalski concluded his presentation by offering a b r i g h t er picture of the difficulties associated with these energy conversion systems. By treating the energy resource, the conversion method, the potential market, and the environment on an integrated basis, a cost-effective system can be developed.

S u b s e q u e n t discussions were presented by Dr. Michael McCormick, U.S. Naval Academy; Dr.

Theodore Lee, University of Hawaii; and Ken McDonald, Evans- Hamilton, Inc.

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 20,  Feb 15, 1980

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