MTC '80
"Decade Of The Oceans" More Than 150 Technical Papers—More Than 200 Exhibits This year's Marine Technology Conference, to be held October 6-8 at the Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C., is scheduled to hear U.S. Transportation Secretary Neil Goldschmidt as the keynote speaker. Scores of scientists and more than a dozen members of Congress also are expected to address the conference. Opening remarks will be made by Coast Guard Commandant Adm. John B. Hayes, chairman of the conference and exhibition.
The conference theme, "Decade of the Oceans," underscores the major role marine technology will play in the 1980s as the United States and other countries turn to the seas for more effective ways of solving their economic, environmental, and defense needs.
The three-day conference will provide a timely forum for discussing national and international issues related to marine technology.
Technical seminars will deal with ocean energy and food supplies, pollution control, undersea vehicles, ocean measurements and instrumentation, and state-of-theart hardware f o r the marine environment. More than 200 exhibits will showcase the latest marine technology products and services.
The Marine Technology '80 technical program, focusing as it does on the coming decade of the oceans, represents a broad spectrum of expertise. It encompasses the interests of many disciplines — including the social, political, and physical sciences, as well as engineering — on that 70 percent of the world's surface called the oceans.
The technical sessions arranged for the MT '80 Conference focus attention toward a variety of topics.
Over 150 scholarly papers, representing significant contributions from universities, govern- ments, laboratories, and private i n d u s t r i e s worldwide were reviewed to develop this year's technical program. The efforts of all concerned have been aimed toward insuring that this conference will be the finest and most productive for the oceans community.
Chairman of the Technical Program is Rear Adm. Alfred P.
Manning Jr., USCG.
Marine Affairs Program The Marine Affairs Program will provide four panels, of shorter duration than the Technical Program, to complement the ongoing technical sessions and follow up on the theme outlined in the Chairman's Message and Plenary Session.
Panel I—A Forecast of Emerging Economic Marine Needs—will attempt to gain some consensus on the precise range of national needs having marine dimension that now indicate a significant, emerging demand for advanced marine technology. It will explore how marine technology can be applied more effectively to support national economic (energy, transportation, mining, fisheries, etc.), defense, foreign policy, environmental and other societal needs. It also will highlight current developments, such as the need to implement anticipated accords from the Law of the Sea negotiations into national legislation and programs, and specifically how these trends will accelerate the need for advanced marine technology.
Panel II—Government-Industry Relations in Marine Resource Development— will focus its discussion on the appropriate roles of both the private and public sectors in the fostering or facilitating of the state of the art for marine technology. In collateral discussion, the panel will deliberate how marine law and policy, and its implementation into Federal and State programs, can be improved to insure that marine technology will be more supportive of national needs.
Panel III — The Role of U.S.
Marine Technology in the International Area — will explore the range and directions for U.S. foreign policy in the transfer of technology to both developing nations and the developed world. Considering such issues as technology transfer inherent in the Law of the Sea n e g o t i a t i o n s and the "North-South Dialogue," the panel will discuss the cooperative roles of the private sector and government in this effort. Examination also will focus on the critical problems of balancing U.S.
needs for access to resources with conditions diluting traditional proprietary rights associated with technology.
Panel IV—Economic Regionalism in Maritime Affairs — will complement Panel III by extending the concept of regionalism that has been evident in the areas of science and transfer of marine technology to the broader range of economic development. Addressed will be such topics as hemispheric cooperation for energy and fisheries development, and the roles of multinational corporations in the sectoral extraction, processing, distribution, and marketing of ocean resources — fisheries and agriculture, offshore oil, and ocean minerals.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS MARINE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION SHOREHAM HOTEL 5:00 9:00 11:45 1:30 2:00 3:00 3:45 Sunday, October 5, 1980 pm Advance Registration and Early Bird Reception Monday, October 6, 1980 am Plenary Session am Chairman's Luncheon pm Concepts/Regulations pm Oceanography I/Water Quality/Marine Affairs I pm Coffee Break pm Offshore Structures/ Oceanography ll/Oil Pollution/ Search and Rescue 5:15 pm Exhibitors' Cocktail Party Tuesday, October 7, 1980 8:30 am Buoy Technology I 9:00 am Manned Vehicles/ Oceanographic Ships/ Marine Affairs II 10:00 am Coffee Break 10:45 am Buoy Technology 11/ Unmanned Vehicles/ Education I/Ocean Energy 12:15 pm Lunch 1:30 pm CZM 2:00 pm Ocean Mining I/Education ll/Marine Affairs III 3:00 pm Coffee Break 3:45 pm Undersea Physics/Ocean Mining Il/Diving/ Materials 6:15 pm No Host Reception 7:00 pm Decade of the Oceans Banquet Wednesday, October 8, 1980 8:30 am Geodesy Fisheries/Marine Technology I/Marine Affairs IV Coffee Break Cables-Connectors/Sea Floor Engineering/ Marine Technology 11/ Remote Sensing President's Award Luncheon Instrumentation 1/ Radioactive Waste 1/ Vessel Traffic Service I Coffee Break Instrumentation 11/ Radioactive Waste 11/ Vessel Traffic Service II Executive Summaries Executive summary of major developments and trends in marine technology will be presented by the Marine Technology Society professional committees to provide ocean managers, engineers, and scientists with a summation of the leading activities in the broad spectrum of ocean discipline.
MTS vice president for technical affairs Joseph R. Vadus will chair the two sessions, and the chairmen of the four technical divisions will moderate the presentations given by each of the MTS professional committees.
The program will include: (1) Ocean and coastal engineering— Jack W. Boiler, moderator; (2) Manpower, professional development, and education — Gilbert Maton, moderator; (3) Ocean and coastal management management— John Norton Moore, moderator ; (4) Ocean resources and environment— Jack Flipse, moderator.
Satellite Workshop A workshop is being organized by the MTS Satellite and Aircraft Remote Sensing Technical Committee.
The purpose of this workshop is to review and assess the state of the art of ocean monitoring satellites having microwave sensor suites (SEASAT-A and NIMBUS-7), and to attempt to apply this information to the proposed National Oceanic Satellite System (NOSS).
Dialogue will be encouraged to a s s e s s accomplishments, voids, and needs related to: (1) sensor data acquisition, storage, retrieval, dissemination, and processing; (2) ground-truth verification; and (3) meteorological i n t e r f e r e n ce corrections. Corresponding points of discussion will be addressed for the NOSS, using the SEASAT-A and NIMBUS-7 experiences as a reference base.
This workshop will be held on Thursday, October 9 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Read MTC '80 in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of September 15, 1980 Maritime Reporter
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- SSI Introduces Emergency Anchor Windlass System- Literature Available page: 6
- F. Shepherd Promoted At Designers & Planners— Pramud Rawat Joins Firm page: 7
- Canonie Forms New Subsidiary- Appoints Three New Executives page: 10
- Armco Restructures Western Steel Division Into Three Groups page: 10
- Toronto Firm Proposes Truck/Trailer RO/RO Run Across Lake Ontario page: 11
- Avondale Lays Keel For Fourth Navy Fleet Oiler page: 12
- TBW Industries Gets $5-Million Order For SMATCO Deck Equipment page: 12
- Thomas Ternes Joins Guralnick Associates As Supervisory Engineer page: 13
- HUD Moves Head Office To Tsing Yi Island— Kowloon Yard Closed page: 13
- Multi-Purpose Mobilization Ship page: 14
- S/S 'United States'— A Second Life For World's Fastest Passenger Liner? page: 14
- Dixie Dredge Delivers Four Vessels To Egyptian Dredging page: 18
- Twin Disc Forms New Task Force To Market Marine Transmissions page: 18
- Quality Delivers Towing/Supply Vessel To Gulf Fleet Marine page: 18
- New Company Will Offer Underwater Vehicle Inspection Services page: 22
- Ferrous Has Proportioning Pump For Fuel Additive- Literature Available page: 22
- Joseph Quinn Named President Of Reorganized Devoe Marine Coatings page: 23
- Furuno Radar Simulator Installed At California Maritime Academy page: 23
- Boeing Jetfoil Sold To Argentine Owner—Christened Montevideo Jet page: 24
- National Supply Patents Subsea Template System —Literature Available page: 25
- Hitachi Gets Jackup Rig Orders From Danish And Netherlands Owners page: 26
- E.H. Barron Joins Overseas Enterprises As Director Of Chartering page: 26
- New Brochure On Gears And Gear Units Now Available From Farrel page: 26
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- New UPSCO Shipyard Begins Production page: 36
- Bath Saves Time-Money With New Ship Insulation —Literature Available page: 38
- Lance Melik Appointed Director Of Marketing For Twin Disc, Inc. page: 38
- MTC '80 page: 40
- Rockwell Publishes New Cast Steel Valve Catalog page: 42
- MarAd Awards CDS For Mormac Conversions To Cost $4.4 Million Total page: 42
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