Brochure Available On National Supply's Big Torque Converters

Big job torque converters for oilfield and industrial applications are described in a new six-page brochure from National Supply Company. The torque converters are designed for large prime movers of up to 2,000 hp, says the piece, and for tasks involving high load shocks. Typical applications listed by the brochure include drawworks and pump drives in the oilfield, and cranes, aggregate crushers, power shovels, and metal shredders among industrial applications.

A general section emphasizes benefits in extended service and r e d u c e d maintenance possible from converters by allowing the prime mover to operate at constant peak efficiency and absorb loads to cushion the entire drive train. The b r o c h u r e provides drawings showing various mounting and cooling configurations available. P e r f o r m a n c e charts help selection from four models and 16 sizes available to the converter that best meets specific job requirements. Design features that promote durability and simplify maintenance are highlighted.

For more information and free literature on National Supply's torque converters, Write 20 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from December 1980 issue


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