Talking Navigator Option From Texas Instruments —Literature Available

Texas Instruments Incorporated has just introduced a TI 9930 Talking Navigator Accessory Option with Autopilot Output f or use with its Loran C based navigation system.

Using the new Speech Option, the commercial boat operator situated anywhere on the vessel where there is a speaker can receive Loran C-based information.

Data is also available on call by pressing an appropriate key on the TI 9900 keyboard. Other messages include power-up status, system warnings, and entry corrections.

Another in a growing line of TI products utilizing Solid State Speech™ chips, the TI 9930 may be added to the TI 9900 fully automatic Loran C Navigator. A state-of-the-art device introduced a little over a year ago, the TI 9900 packs a complete navigation system into a unit the size of a large city telephone book.

Easily added to any TI 9900 or TI 9900N, the new Speech Option provides multiple remote reporting capabilities at low cost.

The clear, crisp "voice" of the new unit can be heard anywhere a user chooses to mount a loudspeaker — in a pilothouse, below decks, on deck, or in the cockpit.

The unit can report eight basic navigational announcements: time (24-hour clock), position (latitude/longitude), speed over the bottom (knots), range to waypoint (nautical miles), time to go at present speed to next waypoint (hours-minutes-seconds), cross track error (miles off course), course made good (degrees true or magnetic), and bearing to next waypoint (degrees).

An operator can select up to four of the messages at a time, in any order, to repeat at any interval between six seconds and one hour. He can also utilize the normal visual display.

The TI 9930 will be shown publicly for the first time at the New York National Boat Show, beginning January 15, 1981.

For more information on the new Talking Navigator Option, Write 37 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 10,  Jan 1981

Read Talking Navigator Option From Texas Instruments —Literature Available in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of January 1981 Maritime Reporter

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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.