Page 56: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1981)
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OTC '81
Technical Program
Monday Afternoon • General Session (continued from page 56) ment for the 1970's and Forecast for the 1980's."
Tuesday Morning 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon • Geophysical Data Processing
OTC 4021 4022 4023 4024 4025 4026
Field Processing of Shallow Seismic
Physical Modeling at the Seismic
Acoustic Laboratory: An Aid for Pro- duction Geophysicists
Detailed Analysis of Geophysical Indi- cators Associated with Shallow Gas
Location and Evaluation of Engineer- ing Hazards with Seismic Data
Seismic Source Decomposition
Estimation of Dispersion in Laboratory and Marine Reflection Data
Tuesday Afternoon 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Diving, Salvage, and Repair
Operations I
OTC 4027 The Uprighting and Preservation of the Alexander L. Kielland — Project
Implementation 4028 No. 2 Fuel Cargo Recovery from
Sunken Tanker 4029 Automatic Deep Water Pipeline Repair
System 4030 Underwater Inspections: Credibility and Technology 4031 Development of a Depth Independent
Closed Cycle Diesel Engine • Materials and Fabrication Procedures for Offshore Structures
OTC 4032 Spun Steel Pipes for the Offshore
Industry 4033 Heavy Wall HSLA Steel Pipes and
Heavy Section HSLA Steel Plates for
Jack-Up Rigs 4034 Fracture Toughness of Some Materials
Used in Fabricating Fixed Offshore
Structures 4035 Deformation Capacity of Steel Tubes in Deep Water • Wave Forces and
Hydroelastic Response
OTC 3988 A Critical Assessment of Morison's
Equation 3989 Hydrodynamic Coefficients for Macro-
Roughnesses 3990 Consistent Drag and Added Mass Co- efficients from Full Scale Data 3991 Vortex-Induced Vibrations of a Flex- ible Cylinder Near a Plane Boundary in Steady Flow 3992 Hydroelastic Response of Smooth and
Rough Cylinders in Oscillatory Flow • Undersea Vehicles
OTC 3993 A Closed Cycle Pressure Control
System 4167 Manned Submarines and Remotely
Operated Equipment as Construction
Tools for Advanced Offshore Projects 3995 SCARAB 3996 Limitations of Diver Alternative
Systems 3997 Grondin NE Experimental Station—
Diverless Experiments • Wire and Synthetic Rope
OTC 3998 Axial Fatigue Testing of AL-6X Stain- less Steel Wire in Natural Seawater 3999 Fatigue Behavior of Large-Diameter
Wire Ropes 4000 The Behaviour of Wire Ropes in Ten- sion 4001 Improved Wire Rope Endurance Life with Nylon Sheaves 4002 Non-Hazardous Synthetic Mooring
Line 4003 Dynamic Behaviour of Synthetic Ropes • Drilling and Production Practices
OTC 4004 Hydraulic Fluids for BOP Control Sys- tems 4005 Computerized Gas Lift Control 4006 Simultaneous Activities Offshore
Norway: A Review of Practices and Results 4007 A Completion Method for High Pres- sure, Corrosive, Offshore Gas Wells 4008 The Variable Bore Ram—Present and
Future 4009 BOP Recovery in 3,000-Foot Water
Depth • SPECIAL SESSION—Deep Ocean
Manganese Nodule Mining:
Outlook for the 1980's • Terminals—Experience and Design
OTC 4010 Five Years of Operations Optimizing at Saudi Arabia's Ju'Aymah SPM Buoy
Export Terminal 4011 Petromin Offshore Terminal Design for Exporting 1.6 Million Barrels of
Crude Oil Per Day 4012 Design, Installation and Field Opera- tions of Offshore Tandem Loading
System-Nido Field, Offshore
Philippines 4013 Evaluating Terminal Loading Efficiency 4014 Fulmar, The First North Sea SALM/
VLCC Storage System 4015 SPM Hose Test Program • Seafloor Surveying and Mapping
OTC 4016 A Real Time Bathymetry Digitizer
Multi-Frequency 4017 Sonar Survey of the U.S. Atlantic Con- tinental Slope and Rise 4018 Computer Rectification and Mosaick- ing of Side-Looking Sonar Images 4019 A Self Boring Pressuremeter for Deep
Sea Soils Investigations 4020 High Precision Near Shore Seafloor
Only Raytheon gives you
A complete line sold and serviced around the world.
Satellite Navigator gives worldwide fixes accurate within 100 yards every 30 to 90 minutes.
The "complete navigator", Raytheon
JLE-3400 acquires and displays very accurate Lat/Long fixes derived from navy navigation satellites in polar orbit.
Between satellite fixes, computer- generated dead-reckoning fixes are shown. Dead-reckoning data is keyboard entered or automatically supplied by a gyro compass and dual-axis doppler log.'
Featuring a large 9-inch CRT, the JLE-3400 will also display such important data as: • Date and GMT • Time since last satellite fix. • Time and angle of next satellite fix. • Ship's speed and course. • Data from up to ten way-points including: course-to-steer for
Rhumb or Great Circle tracks, distance run, ETA's etc.
A printer for displayed data and a remote CRT display are available as options.
On the oceans of the world, we are most noted for our heavy-duty 3 and 10-cm radar systems.
More than 50,000 vessels have been fitted. While less visible, other
Raytheon products are even more numerous.
These include: • RAYCAS, the finest and most economical
Collision Avoidance
System yet devised. • VHF-FM and SSB
Radiotelephones. • Fathometer® Echosounders. • Doppler Speed Logs. • SATNAV and Loran-C. • Facsimile Receivers.
All sold and serviced in major ports everywhere.
Doppler logs give accurate speeds and simultaneous bottom soundings.
Single or dual-axis.
There are three models of the famous
Doppler Log:
DSN-250 for continuous fore/ aft speeds;
DSN-350 which can be switched to show either fore/aft or port/starboard speeds: and DSN-450 which shows speeds in both axes simultaneously.
All three are proven performers with these unique features: • "Normal" mode readings up to 40 knots within 1/10 knot. "Mooring" mode readings accurate within 1/100 knot.
True speeds shown over bottoms as deep as 1000 feet. • Selectable "water-mass" mode for relative speeds through water. • Simultaneous bottom soundings to 1000 feet with adjustable minimum depth alarm. • Automatic water temperature and salinity compensation. 1 Self-testing. No calibration. 1 Large, easy-to-read LED display with mechanical "distance-run" counter. 1 Optional digital and analog "dial" remote displays. ' Single transducer.