Page 57: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1981)
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4036 Fabrication and Serviceability of Off- shore Structures 4037 Development and Application of a
High Speed Automatic Field Welding
Method for Pipeline • Subsea Production Systems
OTC 4038 Experience with Subsea Well Control
Systems 4039 Subsea Cable Systems Developed for
Subsea Completions 4040 Space Age Pipelining—Murchison
Field 4041 Dorada Field Production System: A
Solution to Individual Permanent Ver- tical Access to Several Wells From a Semi-Submersible 4042 The Dorado Field Production Risers 4043 The Insert Tree Completion System • Potential Worldwide Offshore
Oil & Gas Reserves
OTC 4044 The Sotong Field, Offshore Malaysia—
Example of a Subtle Hydrocarbon
Trap 4045 Reserves Estimation from Seismic and
Geologic Data by Computer Applica- tions of Multiple Regression Analysis 4046 Impact of Federal Policies on Un- discovered Oil and Gas in the Gulf of Mexico 4047 Potential Worldwide Offshore Oil &
Gas Reserves—Where and How Much —A Panel Discussion • Mooring and Anchoring
OTC 4048 Performance of Conventional Anchors 4049 Development of Absolutely-Roll-Stable
Anchors 4050 Deep Water High-Capacity Moorings 4051 Non-Linear Response Analysis of An- so much in so many places.
Radio facsimile receivers feature push-button station selection and nigh-contrast 12-inch recording.
Raytheon gives you a choice. The
RAYFAX 300 has 8 interchangeable push-button channels with a separate recorder. The RAYFAX 1200 offers 16 interchangeable push-button channels with a built-in recorder that operates unattended with automatic picture start-stop. Both units provide: • Onboard recording of World
Meteorological Organization weather charts, fishery charts, daily news for mariners, etc. • High-quality 12-inch wide reproduction on odorless, dust-free aluminized paper. • Long-life recording system with self- adjusting pens. • Advanced solid-state circuitry. • Simple operation.
The RAYFAX 300 Recorder is available separately for vessels equipped with a suitable wide-band receiver.
Fathometer" Recorder sounds to 1370 fathoms with 6 overlapping ranges.
Two Loran-C's with U.S.C.G. approved accuracy. One also a chronometer. One with options for steering, Lat/Long, and course /speed readouts.
Just turn a selector of the RAYNAV 3000 to "T". The upper readout becomes a chronometer accurate to 2 seconds a month... the lower readout a push-button stop-watch.
Our RAYNAV 6000 has optional plug-in boards for steering a computed course to a selected destination, and for direct
Lat/Long and course/speed readouts.
Both use mini-computers for optimum
Loran-C accuracy. Both offer: • Precise third-cycle matching. • Initial fixes accurate within 500 yards, repeated fixes within 50 feet. • Simultaneous tracking of multiple secondaries for verification of primary fixes. • Turn-on self-testing. • Continuous monitoring of
Loran-C signal quality and strength. • Manual cycle matching for extended groundwave and nighttime skywave coverage. • Provision for remote indicators, plotters, etc.
Designed for large, ocean-going vessels, the R-8220 sounds at 24 kHz with 600 watts of power... provides very precise recordings of underwater topography down to 1370 fathoms. Features include: • 6 over-lapping ranges of 0-110, 100-210, 200-310, 300-400, 0-720, and 650-1370 fathoms. • 7-inch calibrated recording paper. • Fool-proof magnetic keying. • Electronic fix marker. • Automatic time-varied gain to eliminate unwanted echoes near surface.
The R-8220 is completely self-contained except for hull-mounted transducer.
Fathometer" Digital Sounder goes to 500 feet or 240 fathoms with adjustable depth alarm.
A proven navigational sounder, the
DE-740 uses special signal processing to eliminate false bottom readings from schools of fish, thermal gradients, etc. • Large, easy-to-read LED display. • 1.5 to 500-foot and 0.2 to 240-fathom ranges. • 1% sounding accuracy. • Bottom alarm adjustable in 1-foot or 1-fathom increments down to 299 feet or 240 fathoms.
Designed for console or bulkhead mounting, the DE-740 is supplied with a remote equipment cabinet and a hull- mounted transducer.
Tough "specs" assure dependable operation in the harsh marine environment.
Raytheon products are designed and built to the toughest specifications in the industry. In onboard use and in the laboratory they have proven immune to voltage irregularities, temperature extremes in a corrosive salt vapor atmosphere, excessive shock and vibration. Maintenance, if required, is fast and easy. nut* j "t o o
Unmatched two-year warranty.
These Raytheon
Marine products have a two-year limited parts warranty plus one- year free onboard service within 50 miles of any of our 210 U.S. dealers and worldwide service network in major ports everywhere.
Raytheon Marine Company 676 Island Pond Road
Manchester, New Hampshire 03103
Telephone: (603) 668-1600
Telex: 94-3459
Raytheon Marine Sales and Service Company
Siljangade 6
DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark
Telephone: (451) 57 06 11
Telex: 31473 RAYCO DK
Raytheon Marine Sales and Service Company
Minato-Ise Bldg. 3F 3-12-1, Kaigan-Dori
Naka-Ku, Yokohama, Japan 231
Telephone: (045) 212-3633
Telex: 3822713 RAY FES J
Raytheon Marine Sales and Service Company
Millard House 5 Exchange Building
Cutler Street
London E 1 England
Telephone: 01-623-4451/2
Telex: 8954198 chorage Systems for Compliant Deep
Water Platforms 4052 Self-Protected, Long-Life Deep Sea
Mooring Cable 4053 Dypamic Behavior and Tension of
Oscillating Mooring Chain • Navigation and Data Display
OTC 4054 Underwater Navigation with a Narrow
Beam Tracking Transducer 4055 Navigation Control for Pearl River
Mouth Basin Seismic Survey in the
People's Republic of China 4056 Case Histories of Loran C Radionavi- gation Usage for Oil Exploration Ac- tivities Offshore Newfoundland 4057 An Acoustic System for Pipeline Pro- file Measurements 4058 Marine Pipeline Inspection by Tracking • Environmental Considerations
OTC 4059 Environmental Impact of Offshore
Brine Disposal Associated with
Petroleum Storage Activities 4060 Oil Spill Contingency Planning to Min- imize Impacts from a Major Oil Well 4061 Environmental Monitoring of Three
Exploratory Oil and Gas Wells Drilled
Near the East Flower Garden Bank 4062 Effects of Sea-and-Land Breeze Sys- tem on Oil Trajectory Near the Coast 4063 Environmental Studies for Oilspill Tra- jectory Modeling in the Southeastern
U.S. Outer Continental Shelf Leasing
Area 4064 On the Resistance Time of Oil Mixed into the Water Column by Breaking
Wednesday Morning 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon • Offshore Pipelines II
OTC 4065 Impact-Response Behaviour of Off- shore Pipelines 4066 Trawl Gear Interaction with Flexible
Pipelines 4067 Movements of Submarine Pipelines
Close to Platforms 4068 Pipeline Performance History in the
Gulf of Mexico 4069 A Survey of Pipelines in The North
Sea—Incidents During Installation,
Testing, and Operation • Tension Leg Platforms—
Design and Analysis
OTC 4070 The Static Offset in Waves of Tension
Leg Platforms 4071 Parametric Response of TLP Anchor
Lines—Theoretical and Numerical
Analyses 4072 An Integrated Motion and Structural
Analysis System for Tension Leg
Platforms 4073 Motions and Leg Tensions of Tension
Leg Platforms 4074 The Wave Induced Motions of a Ten- sion Leg Platform in Deep Water 4075 Dynamic Stability of the Tension Leg
Platform • Ice and Arctic Activities
OTC 4076 Controlling Iceberg Roll/Stability Dur- ing Towing Around Drillships 4077 Iceberg Detection for Canadian Fron- tier Production 4078 Iceberg Draft Measurement Using a
Remote Control Tethered Submersible 4079 An Investigation of the Acoustic Emis- sion and Deformation Response of
Finite Ice Plates 4080 Design of Ice Roads in the Southern
Beaufort Sea • Geophysical Data Acquisition
OTC 4081 Ocean Bottom Seismometer—An
Electronic Perspective 4082 Deep-Towed Seismic System Design for Operation at Ocean Depths Up to 6000m 4038 New Frontiers in Geophysical Data
Acquisition—A Panel Discussion • Diving, Salvage, and Repair
Operations II
OTC 4084 Seawater Hydraulic Systems for Un- derwater Equipment (continued on page 61)
Write 311 on Reader Service Card 59