Admiral Fugaro Named Senior Vice President Of Great Lakes Towing

Rear Adm. Anthony F. Fugaro has been appointed senior vice president of The Great Lakes Towing Company in Cleveland, Ohio, it was announced by Charles R. Khoury, chairman and chief executive officer of The Great Lakes Towing Company. Admiral Fugaro will also serve as president of Admiral Towing & Barge Company, an ocean subsidiary based in Florida.

After 32 years of Coast Guard service, Admiral Fugaro recently retired in Cleveland, where he supervised all Coast Guard activities on the Great Lakes. In his prior assignment at Coast Guard Headquarters he was director for Coast Guard programs in port safety, aids to navigation, deepwater ports, and marine environmental protection. He also served as U.S. delegate to the IMCO Marine Environment Protection Committee.

Earlier a s s i g n m e n t s on the Great Lakes included commanding an icebreaking buoy tender.

He later served at Sault Ste.

Marie where he supervised Great Lakes season extension activities for the Coast Guard.

Other stories from May 15, 1981 issue


Maritime Reporter

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