Phoenix Management Rig To Be Built By Bethlehem Sparrows Point

Phoenix Management Corporation of Houston has awarded B e t h l e h em Steel Corporation's shipyard at Sparrows Point, Md., a contract for construction of a mobile offshore oil drilling rig.

Announcement of the contract was made by William R. Hargrove, president of Phoenix Management, and George S. Hamilton, general manager of the Sparrows Point yard.

The jackup rig will be capable of drilling in water depths up to 100 feet.

The unit's mat will be 180 feet long by 140 feet wide by 9.6 inches deep, and the drilling platform will be 140 feet long by 100 feet wide by 13.5 inches deep.

Work on the rig is scheduled to begin immediately, with a keellaying set f o r December. Delivery is scheduled for July 1982.

This is the fifth oil drilling rig the yard has on order, Mr. Hamilton said. The first complete rig to be built by the yard, the Sabine III, was delivered to Houston Offshore I n t e r n a t i o n a l in June. It was the first such rig built in the United States outside the Gulf of Mexico.

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 7,  Aug 15, 1981

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