An International Symposium To Assist Ship Operators To Improve Operations "International Symposium on Ship Operations (ISOSO '81) is a 'Catch 22' title, deliberately.

There are so many factors that go into the safe, profitable and efficient operations of a ship on the high seas that every aspect must be scrutinized before every conference program is put together," stated Capt. J.C. Musser, Ship Analytics, Inc., New York, N.Y., and general chairman for ISOSO '81.

The International Symposium on Ship Operations is an annual conference sponsored by The Maritime Association of the Port of New York, American Institute of Merchant Shipping, Council of American Flag Ship Operators, The Hydrographic Society and The Council of American Master Mariners. It is being held at the New York City Passenger Terminal on the Hudson River from November 16 to November 19.

The 1981 conference marks a significant expansion from previous Symposiums in two directions.

First, an entire maritime discipline has been added to the affair when the Hydrographic Society became an official ISOSO sponsor. This group, while small in numbers, is large in influence in almost every other phase of maritime life.

The second significant expansion was the decision to move the Symposium to the New York City Passenger Terminal. With the additional space available there will be many more exhibits than were possible in previous years. Over 110 firms have reserved booth spaces to exhibit their marineoriented equipment. There also is room to run concurrent conference sessions which translate into more papers. The other advantages of this location are that there are conference dining areas, cocktail bars, conferees' lounge and reserved parking on the upper level.

A further enhancement of the conference due to location is the addition of in-water exhibits and demonstrations.

Monday, November 16, has been d e s i g n a t e d International Shipping Issues Policy Day with Phillip Loree, president, Federation of American Controlled Shipping, serving as chairman. The ISOSO International Day will address questions such as: What should U.S. maritime policy be regarding the U.S.-flag liner fleet; regarding the U.S.-flag bulk fleet, and regarding the U.S. effective control fleet. The second set of issues to be discussed are based on the questions: Is it viable in the real world to have bulk cargo sharing and is it viable in the real world to have the UNCTAD liner code. The morning session will get underway at 8:45 a.m.

The afternoon session will adjourn at 4:50 p.m.

The next three days, November 17 through 19 will be given over to the presentation of papers and panel discussions. The subject matter for these three days of the Symposium was generated by requests from people within the maritime industry.

For example, purchasing agents and others requested papers dealing with shipboard inventory systems, jointly supported sparepart warehousing, computerized spare-part inventory and preventive maintenance scheduling.

The papers to be presented will cover a wide variety of subjects, including navigation, communications, hydrography, training and certification, economics, fuel consumption and computers.

Panels on broad subjects will give more viewpoints a chance to be heard. One such panel will deal with ship board computers, another will examine the changing role of both officers and men on board seagoing vessels, and yet another will deal with new safety requirements.

There will be 19 separate conference sessions. The final sessions of each of the three days will be used for a significant inwater demonstration that relates to a final paper presented for that day.

Papers The following listing is a partial list of papers by panels to be presented: Panel on Human Relations within the Industry.

"Human Factors Aboard Ships —Not Quite the Mystery It Was" by John S. Gardenier, Commandant (G-DMT/54) USCG, and Dr.

Thomas Hammel, Ship Analytics, Inc.

"The changing Role of the Ship's Officer" by William T. Mc- Mullen, Department of Nautical Science, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy.

"The Master as Manager" by Per Sundby, Texaco Norway A/S.

"A Survey of Shipboard Management Systems in Relation to Maritime Labor and the Maritime Environment" by Dr. Henry F. Trutneff, International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots.

"The Human Element — Seafarer's Rights" by Paul D. Chapman, Seamen's Church Institute.

Panel on Training with Emphasis on Simulators.

"The Role and Responsibility of Industry and Organized Labor in Training and Education (A View from Overseas)" by K.C.

Reid. The Alexandria Towing Co.

(London) Ltd., and William Rich, International O r g a n i z a t i o n of Masters, Mates and Pilots.

"A Modern Engine Room Simulation Concept" by O.R. Bjoeness, Norcontrol, Norway.

"The A p p l i c a t i o n of Bridge Simulation for the Training of Tugboat Operations: A Developmental Program" by Dr. K.E.

Williams, D.C. Buchanan and Capt. R. DiNapoli, Ship Analytics, Inc.

"Simulator Training and Marine Engineers" by Capt. Douglas A. Hard, Marine Safety International.

"Marine Simulation on the Job Training Substitute" by Max Carpenter, Maritime I n s t i t u t e of Technology & Graduate Studies.

"Training of Personnel for Western River Tugboats" by Thomas Tooker, National River Academy.

"Qualifications and Training for Workboat Personnel" by V.J. Gia- nelloni, Louisiana Petroleum Institute.

Panel on Economics & Logistics of Ship Supply & Purchasing.

"Profit Achievement by Preventive Maintenance" by Richard J. Deely, Marine Maintenance Systems.

"STIMS — A Shipboard Inventory Management System" by James H. Keyte, Sun Transport, Inc.

Panel on Navigation and Operations.

"Ocean Current Navigation Study Completed" by James W.

Feeney, Sippcan Corporation.

"World-Wide N a v i g a t i o n al Warning System" by Capt. E.

Ayres, USN (ret.) and John Lyall, Defense Mapping Agency.

"The Mariners Requirements for Marine Environmental Services" by Rear Adm. E.D. Stanley Jr., The Sea Use Council.

"A Review of Current USCG Regulations on Navigation and Communication Equipment" by R.E. Negron, Electro-Nav, Inc.

"Computers and Communications on Ships" by Charles S.

Carney, Nav-Com, Inc.

"Experience with Harbor and Harbor Entrance Loran-C Guidance Equipment" by Comdr. J.F.

Roeber, USCG.

Panel on Communications.

"INMARSAT P r e p a r i n g To Commence Operation" by Guntis Berzins, INMARSAT.

"Challenges and Responses for I N M A R S A T System — Users Viewpoints on Telecommunications, Navigation and Distress Applications" by Lawrence Kilty, L.R. Kilty & Company.

"SATCOM—A Tool for Saving Operational Cost" by Gunnar Kris Gangsaas, Eiectro-Nav, Inc.

Panel on Hydrography.

"Status of Navigational Charts World Wide" by Commodore A.H.

Cooper, RAN (ret.), Bureau Hydrographique International.

"Hydrography in the Management of the Exclusive Economic Zone" by Tom McCullock, Hydrographic Commission Federation, International des Geometres.

"NOS Service and Support Ship Operations" by Dr. Thomas E.

Pyle, National Ocean Survey.

"Research and Development Efforts in Remotely Sensed Hydrographic Data Collection" by Lt. Comdr. Wayne S. Shiver, USN, Defense Mapping Agency, Department of Defense.

"All Weather Precise Piloting Options for U.S. Ports" by J.T.

Montonye, USCG, and E.F. Grenaker.

Panel on Safety.

"Revision of SOLAS Chapter Mayberry, Offshore Marine Service Association.

"Safety: Tanker Explosions" by Jeremy M.S. Smith, Liberian Shipowners' Council Ltd.

" C o n t i n g e n c y Planning for Maritime Accidents" by W.F.

Searle Jr., Searle Consortium, Ltd.

Panel on Maintenance and Repair.

"Electronic Analyzers and Diesel Engines" by R.R. Raymer, Cooper Energy Services.

"Annual Contracts—A Way to Decrease and Control Ship Maintenance Costs" by Frederick A.

Ganter, Norfolk Shipbuilding & Drydock Corporation.

"A New Era of Digital Monitoring of Machinery Equipment" by Peter Kempers, Electro-Nav, Inc.

Panel on Problems of Propulsion.

"Variations in Fuel Costs as a Function of at Sea Weather Factors" by Austin L. Dooley, Ocean Routes, Inc.

"Results of Research on the Use of Residual Fuel in Diesel Engines" by S. Sprague, Ocean Fleets, Ltd.' In summary, ISOSO '81 provides the true, industry-wide representation of subject material by qualified persons within the industry. The Symposium will provide three days of exposure to innovations, new ideas, new methods and refinements of old ones.

Other stories from November 1981 issue


Maritime Reporter

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