New Fuel Management System From Pandel —Literature Available

A computer-based fuel management system, the FMS-3, was introduced recently by Pandel Instruments, Inc. of Grand Prairie, Texas. This system compares the fuel burned versus the speed made for vessels in the 4,000-bhp range and up. It consists of two major components: flow and temperature sensing devices, and the main computer unit with the system display.

The system monitors individual engine fuel burns and vessel speed, and the computer calculates the fuel burned per mile of operation.

Performance charts for the individual vessel may then be constructed to allow operation at known efficiency levels. The system is configured to function with marine diesel engines using lowpressure fuel supply pumps and return fuel circuits. The FMS-3 has hardware and software correction factors for fuel heating during recycling, aeration of the return fuel, and flowmeter calibration.

Speed inputs to the FMS-3 come from either the vessel's on-board knot log or from the Pandel Channel- Scan"' remote depth sounder.

System outputs are displayed on a 12-inch CRT that is equipped with an amber display format, which presents no degradation of night vision.

Display formats are readily changed in system software to meet any particular fleet requirements.

Several of these systems are now operating successfully on the Inland Waterways.

For more information and free literature on the FMS-3, Circle 3 1 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from January 1984 issue


Maritime Reporter

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