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tenance protective coatings not in direct contact with food, etc.
The 1000 Series is also available as an anti-slip deck coating where safety and durability are prime requirements.
When coating steel, blast clean- ing to near white metal is recom- mended. If that is not possible, water blast or mechanical prepa- ration is an alternative if done carefully.
Prime coats are recommended to seal porous surfaces such as con- crete and wood. When a prime coat is required, the first coat of the 1000 Series is reduced 30 per- cent with PRT-59 solvent; this im- proves first-coat penetration re- sulting in excellent adhesion.
Phillyclad 1000 Series epoxy coating without aggregate is eas- ily sprayed, rolled, or brushed. For the final coat with anti-slip aggre- gate in the coating, a low-pile, mo- hair type roller is recommended.
Circle 51 on Reader Service Card
Phosmarine Equipment S.A. of
Marseille, France, provides the
BRUSH-KART® underwater hull cleaning service. Diver-driven for greater efficiency and flexibility, the unit removes marine growth that eats up expensive fuel oil. It can do it in a matter of hours in- stead of days, while the ship is loading, unloading, or at anchor, causing no delays in ship schedul- ing. With regular hull cleanings that can be performed between drydock cycles, BRUSH-KART more than pays for itself with im- pressive savings in fuel operating costs.
Because it is hydraulically op- erated, the device is said to be safer, faster, and more efficient than any other hull cleaning units available. As it travels underwa- ter along the hull of a ship, it cleans with a thoroughness not at- tainable with hand-held brushes and scrubbers. It can also operate under sea conditions that are nor- mally impossible for other methods.
BRUSH-KART's hydraulic power is supplied to the three brushing units by a single, 328-foot-long, coaxial floating hose. Power source is a 52-bhp diesel engine. The unit is fitted with safety gear that not only meets government and Lloyd's of London requirements, but also allows the unit to be used in the vicinity of unloading tankers.
When in use, the BRUSH-KART is positively buoyant in the water.
It clings to the hull surface with a clamping force of 1,390 pounds of suction. This holds the brushes tightly to the hull and provides grip for the driving wheels.
Circle 52 on Reader Service Card
Products Research & Chemical
Corporation (PRC) of Glendale,
Calif., manufactures Proreco11 deck coating systems that have been applied to more than one million square feet of exterior decks of commercial ships, military vessels, towboats, offshore rigs, and a va- riety of smaller vessels. The inte- rior and exterior Proreco coating systems are fire-retardant, and re- sistant to acids, caustic chemicals, and petroleum products.
Proreco III exterior coating sys- tems are used to virtually elimi- nate costly maintenance and down- time for working ships. These sys- tems are specified by many naval architects and by the military due to their known track record for corrosion control, dependability, and long wear.
Proven to be effective, the Pro- reco III systems have an inherent flexibility to withstand normal stress caused by deck movement.
The fire-retardant systems provide the ultimate in corrosion control and are resistant to the heaviest abrasion and impact. The Proreco elastomeric base is not brittle and not subject to cracking, chipping, or spralling.
The Proreco I coating system is specified for habitability areas such (continued on page 48) ••••••••••• 1 OFF SHORE • NON-SUP 1 COATING
Over 100,000,000 sq. ft. coated with
Palmer non-skids since 1946; 3 million sq. ft. last year.
Here are some good reasons why DURADECK is widely used as an off-shore non-slip coating .... It's long lasting and economical to use • Resists chemicals, solvents, oils and seawater • Has superior corrosion resistance • Withstands heavy traffic on all working surfaces and helipads.... most importantly, DURADECK reduces accidents, caused by slips and falls.
Palmer chemists formulated DURADECK especially for off-shore use. They have been solving non-slip coating problems for over 35 years. For more information, write for our free catalog or call our applications engineers at (800) 341-4408; in Pa. (215) 584-4241.
DURADECK is available from any of our U.S. distributors and our subsidiary PPI Ltd. in Europe.
DURADECK is another product from Palmer International, who also provides CHOCKTITE GREEN, a pourable chocking compound. RIG DECKS AND HELIPADS fl Palmer Internationa Worcester, Pa. 19490 (800)341-4408 TWX #510-660-7736 PPI Ltd Hartlepool Cleveland, England, TS 25 2BS Tel (44) 429 33913 Tlx (851) 587236
Circle 109 on Reader Service Card
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May 1,1984 Circle 247 on Reader Service Card Circle 291 on Reader Service Card 47