Page 44: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 1984)
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Marine Coatings Review —PRC (continued from page 47) as heads, galleys, and mess decks.
It has proved itself again and again as a low-cost, minimal maintenance system for living spaces. Proreco I polyurethane coating provides an attractive, high-gloss appearance coupled with the long-wearing capability and flexibility to withstand structural movement, impact and abrasion, with extended corrosion control.
PRC developed the first one-part polysulfide marine caulk many years ago. Through high techno- logical research and development facilities, PRC continues to de- velop superior coatings and seal- ants to meet most high-perform- ance requirements for such products above and below the waterline.
Circle 53 on Reader Service Card
Seaguard Corporation of Ports- mouth, Va., continues to manufac- ture a complete line of high-qual-
The Samsung Formula
Delivery on Time - - Quality
There's more to the "Samsung For- mula" than just on-time delivery, competitive costs and quality. Our formula also contains many ingre- dients that are important to any shipowner such as modern management systems, experienced manpower and a modern shipyard, complete with all the amenities.
And in the way of technology, we have made the perfect blend of
European and Asian technologies that enable us to build sea-going vessels second-to-none, For your next shipbuilding project, give us a call and we will meet your specifica- tions fully applying the "Samsung
Formula" in the best tradition of master shipbuilders. Samsung, the company that works for you!
VESSELS UP TO 200,000DWT •Bulk Carriers •Oil/Chemical Tankers •Container Vessels • Ro-Ro Vessels •Supply Vessels •Specialized Vessels
Shipbuilding Division
Head Office: Samsung Main Bldg. 250, 2Ka, Taepyong-ro, Chung-ku, Seoul, Korea
Tel: 771-33, Telex: SHICO K23726, SSYARD K23306
Koje Shipyard: 530, Jangpyung-ri, Sinhyun-up Koje-kun, Kyongsang Nam-do, Korea
Tel: Gohyun 2-2151/9, Telex: SSCYARD K52211, 52212, 52213 •OVERSEAS BRANCHES 'TOKYO Tlx 2228463SHITKY J -HONG KONG Tlx 83236 HSTAR HX .SYDNEY Tlx AA71747 SAMSYD 'DAMMAM Tlx: 602439
SCCDAM SJ 'NEW YORK Tlx 135536 SAMSUNG FORT *LOS ANGELES Tlx: 696141 LASTAR LSA .LONDON Tlx: 264606 STAR LG »DUSSELDORF Tlx: 8586392 SAMD D ity, high-performance marine paints for both commercial and government applications.
Some of Seaguard's more recent products include the following:
Balcoat 2000 is an all-purpose, single-component, rust-inhibitive compound that can be applied to marginally prepared surfaces. In- tended for use in dry voids and ballast tanks, it should not be used in tanks containing petro- leum products.
No Rust 1000 HS is a high-sol- ids, single-component, rust-inhibi- tive compound formulated to dry hard. It is said to be excellent for exterior/interior application over marginally prepared surfaces for extended protection.
Fire-retardant latex is a non- emissive, fire-retardant, general purpose paint that is both protec- tive and decorative. It is intended for application as a fire-protective coating for steel, aluminum, and non-metallic substrates. Wherever possible, this coating should be ap- plied over a surface that has been degreased, and primed to promote adhesion.
Silcoguard 600 Series is a high- performance, silicone alkyd gloss enamel that gives excellent weather resistance, gloss and color retention over long periods, and easily cleaned surfaces.
Seaguard also carries Seawash1, a water-based, biodegradable, non- flammable non-toxic cleaner for petroleum-based products. It takes on the toughest marine cleaning jobs, and is available in 55-gallon drums and a handy 5-gallon pail.
Circle 54 on Reader Service Card
Sermatech International of Moss
Point, Miss., is a producer and ap- plicator of corrosion-resistant coat- ings for marine/offshore, aero- space, and industrial activities.
There are eight Sermatech pro- cessing facilities worldwide for rapid service delivery.
These coating systems for ma- rine/offshore and industrial uses are generally multi-layered, com- posite coatings comprising base coats of heat-cured ceramic-metal- lic material, overcoated with a sealant designed to meet the envi- ronmental conditions in which the part is to be installed.
Sermatech's 725 and 1141 sys- tems have proven the equal of most exotic corrosion-resistant materials in the marine environ- ment, but because they are sacri- ficial, have none of the corrosion- promoting properties of expensive
CRES. Tested extensively by both
Government and industry, Serma- tech coatings typically withstand exposure to salt fog (ASTM B117) for periods in excess of 5,000 hours.
Similarly, the expected endurance 48 Circle 285 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News