Stavanger, Norway August 21—24 The sixth Offshore Northern Seas (ONS) conference and exhibition will be held August 21-24 at the Siddis Centre in Stavanger, Norway, one of the world's leading centers of offshore activity. Currently scheduled at two-year intervals, ONS is an international forum for communication on topics related to the search for oil and gas in northern waters. Resources, policies, technology, and environmental constraints are among the subjects covered in relation to petroleum exploration, production, and refining in this increasingly important offshore region.
The location in Stavanger, amid one of the world's most concentrated and technically sophisticated offshore sectors, helps give the ONS event its unique character.
The exhibition provides a meeting place for the oil industry at three levels—the local, the national, and the international. Offshore technology from all over the world merges with Norway's own impressive accomplishments in northern waters.
A special feature of ONS remains the close involvement of the oil companies operating on the Norwegian shelf. They collaborate in staging both exhibition and conference, emphasized by the participation of many Norwegian and foreign oil companies in the show as exhibitors.
The focus of the event is on technical solutions for the future. At the same time, the potential of the Norwegian offshore market, valued at more than $30 billion over the next decade, provides a solid business attraction for exhibitors and visitors alike.
Stavanger offers a potent setting for pursuing such commercial targets. A number of oil companies and service firms have their Norwegian head offices there, along with the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate— the state agency responsible for regulating Norway's offshore activities.
Uncertainties and innovation in the management of northern offshore resources will be the central themes at the ONS '84 conference.
As before, several sessions of varying length are planned under this general heading to give broad coverage of relevant problems and solutions.
Political and technical uncertainties will be the topics at two of the seven sessions scheduled for the main four-day conference. The discussion of uncertainties is to be balanced by an overview of technological innovation—providing fresh evidence of the way the international oil sector and its associated industries continue to rise to offshore challenges in difficult and demanding areas.
Other subjects will include the northern seas viewed from the rest of the world, raising the crucial question of how much importance is attached to energy supplies from a stable area—covering markets, prices, economics, and finance.
The new frontiers for the offshore industry in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions as well as the Barents Sea will be discussed at another session. Where technological innovation is concerned, a broad look will be taken of exploration, reservoir technology, field development, production, and other factors. The significance of new technical advances will also be emphasized.
Evaluation of markets in relation to policies forms one aspect of the planned sessions on markets and prices, which will look at these subjects from a global as well as a European viewpoint.
Global problems, macro factors, the state of the world economy, and the role of OPEC are among the important considerations that will be dealt with under the heading of political uncertainties.
In addition to the four-day General Conference, three concurrent one-day meetings and a half-day conference are also included in the well-filled ONS '84 program. A session on geology and geophysics will look at the techniques available in these fields and examine how they have been applied to achieve better reservoir modeling.
Actual field cases will be used, with the emphasis on specific applications of special techniques.
The half-day meeting on enhanced recovery will aim to identify the practical lessons for reservoir engineers provided by the preceding geology/geophysics conference.
With the aid of real cases, it will show what has been achieved and project this experience into the future in a bid to examine ways of improving recovery even further.
Transport and logistics will be the topics for a second one-day session, where the themes will include multiphase flow, dense phase transport, conventional and unconventional transport methods, operation and maintenance of transport systems, as well as strategic considerations for their use.
Finally, a one-day conference will be held on the increasingly important topic of subsea production.
Its purpose is to identify trends in underwater technology that can be expected to be applied during the coming decade, as well as to examine the development testing and confidence-building mechanisms that will allow more innovative techniques to progress to maturity.
GENERAL CONFERENCE PROGRAM Tuesday, August 21 11:00 am—Introduction to Offshore Northern Seas 1984 and official inauguration: Leif Terje Loddesol, chairman, ONS executive committee.
11:15 am—Welcome to Stavanger: Mrs. Kari Thu, mayor of Stavanger.
11:20 am—Norwegian Oil Policy: Kare Willoch, Prime Minister of Norway.
11:35 am—"The Challenges of Northern Offshore Developments," by Stephen D. Bechtel Jr., chairman, Bechtel Group Inc.
12 noon—Lunch Political Uncertainties Chairman: Finn Lied, ONS director.
2:30 pm—"Uncertainties of Energy Supplies in a Geopolitical Perspective," by Robert Bel- grave, head, British Institute Joint Energy Policy Program, London.
4:00 pm—"Natural Gas for Continental Europe—Norwegian Gas and Implied Aspects of Energy Politics," by B. Bergmann, ONS executive board.
Wednesday, August 22 Market and Prices Chairman: Hans O. Bjontegaard, senior vice president, Norske Hydro A/S, Oslo.
9:30 am—"Price Fluctuations in the Energy Market—Causes and Consequences," by Johan Nic.
Void, manager-planning and public affairs, A/S Norske Shell, Oslo.
10:45 am—"The Gas Market," by James F. Allcock, director-petroleum purchasing, British Gas Corporation, London.
11:20 am—"Oil Trading—A Changed World," by David A.G.
Simon, managing director, BP Oil International, London.
12 noon—Lunch 2:00 pm—"OPEC's View on Petroleum Activities in the Northern Seas," by Prof. Robert Mabro, St.
Antony's College, Oxford.
3:30 pm—"Impact of Market Conditions upon the Northern Seas Petroleum Developments—A Norwegian View," by Jacob Oxnevad, executive vice president, Statoil, Stavanger.
Thursday, August 23 New Frontiers: Arctic and Sub-Arctic Areas Chairman: Ola Wattne, managing director: BP Petroleum Development Ltd., Norway.
9:30 am—"The Role of Northern Areas Petroleum Developments as Seen from the West," by Finn Sollie, Fr. Nansen Foundation, Oslo.
10:40 am—"Petroleum Developments Offshore Northern Norway," by Henrik Ager-Hanssen, senior executive vice president, Statoil, Stavanger.
11:20 am—"Sub-Arctic Developments," by Jim M. Stanford, president, Petro-Canada Resources, Calgary.
12 noon—Lunch Economy and Finance Chairman: Nils Guines, senior vice president, Den norske Creditbank, Oslo.
2:00 pm—"Risks Inherent in Financing Large Projects as Experienced by Banks," by Lars Uno Thulin, executive vice president, Den norske Creditbank, Oslo.
3:30 pm—"Uncertainties and Problems Created for World Economy by Drastic Oil Price Fluctuations," by Michel Develle, chief economist, Compagnie Financiere de Paris & des Pays-Bas, Paris.
Friday, August 24 Technical Uncertainties And Technical Innovation Chairman: Asbjorn Larsen, president, Saga Petroleum a.s., Oslo.
9:30 am—"Development of New Oil and Gas Fields and the Need for Technological Innovation," by Chris E. Fay, director-exploration & production, A/S Norske Shell, Stavanger.
10:35 am—"Development of Reservoir Techniques and their Effect upon Field Economy," by W.R.
Nation, production engineering supervisor, Amoco, Houston.
11:15 am—"Engineering/Manufacturing Companies—Doers Only or Contributors as Well?," by Hans Jorgen Frank, director, Moss Rosenberg Verft a.s., Oslo.
12 noon—Lunch Towards An Orderly Energy Future?
2:00 pm—Panel Discussion Moderator: Leif T. Loddesol, president, Den norske Creditbank, Oslo.
Panelists: Robert Belgrave, head, British Institute Joint Energy Policy Program, London: Michel Develle, chief economist, Compagnie Financiere de Paris & des Pays- Bas, Paris; Arve Johnsen, president, Statoil, Stavanger; Jim M.
Stanford, president, Petro-Canada Resources, Calgary; and Jan van Dam, head of production, Shell International Petroleum Mij.
B.V. den Haag.
Special Conference: Reduction Of Uncertainties By Innovative Reservoir Geomodelling Tuesday, August 21 Chairman: Douglas W. Ellenor, exploration manager, A/S Norsk Shell, Stavanger.
2:30 pm—"Synergism—An Interdisciplinary Approach to Optimizing Hydrocarbon Recovery," by R.M. Sneider, consultant, Houston.
3:30 pm—"The Current State of Development of the Marine 3-D Seismic Survey Method," by Andrew L. Lucas, manager, geophysical interpretation, BP Petroleum Development Ltd., London.
4:00 pm—"Porosity Evolution of Truncation Traps: Diagenetic Models and Log Responses," by R.C. Selley, consultant, R.C. Selley & Co. Ltd., Surrey.
4:30 pm—"Prediction Techniques from Logging Tools: Are the Results Confirmed by Testing?" by Terje Helgoy, manager of petroleum technology, Statoil, Stavanger.
Wednesday, August 22 Chairman: Ingebret Gausland, chief geophysicist, Statoil, Stavenger.
9:30 am—"Frigg Field: Production History and Seismic Response," by Michel Revoy, manager, Geophysical Department, Elf Aquitaine Norge A/S, Stavanger.
10:00 am—"The Use of Palynology in Definition of Troll Reservoir Geology," by Michael F. Whitaker, palynologist, A/S Norske Shell, Stavanger.
10:45 am—"The Valhall Field—A New Geological Description," by Martin T. Steinbis, chief geologist, Amoco Norway Oil Company, Stavanger.
11:30 am—"The Norwegian Continental Shelf—Discoveries and Related Challenges," by Egil Bergsager, deputy director, Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, Stavenger.
12 noon—Lunch Improved Offshore Recovery Chairman: Tor Ivar Pedersen, vice president, exploration & production, Statoil, Stavanger.
2:00 pm—"Improving Recoveries for Offshore Chalk Reservoirs," by J. Ford Griggs, manager of reservoir engineering, Phillips Petroleum Company Norway, Stavanger.
2:45 pm—"Improved Recovery from Thin Oil Sands," by Sverre Hamre, section head reservoir, Elf Aquitaine Norge A/S, Stavanger; Bjorn Reinholdtsen, reservoir engineer, A/S Norske Shell, Stavanger; and Jack J. Zagar III, staff reservoir engineer, Esso Expro Norway Inc., Stavanger.
4:00 pm—"Problems of Reservoir Management in Jurassic North Sea Reservoirs," by M.G. Bayat, supervising reservoir engineer, Britoil, Glasgow.
4:40 pm—"Improved Offshore Recovery— State of the Art," by Dennis E. Gregg, manager, international production, Conoco Inc., Houston.
Special Conference: Subsea Technology— Extrapolation Or Innovation Thursday, August 23 Chairman: Knut Hagen, technical manager, Norwegian Petroleum Consultants A/S, Asker.
9:30 am—"Two Fields Case Histories: N.E. Frigg/Skuld," by B. Weil, start-up manager, N.E. Frigg, Elf Aquitaine Norge A/S, Stavanger; and Marc Freudenreich, Skuld project manager, Elf Aquitaine Norge A/S, Stavanger.
10:00 am—"Advancement of Subsea Technology Through Experience: Tazerka Floating Production System and Cormorant Underwater Manifold Centre," by G.H.C.
van Opstal, section head, underwater technology offshore R&D, Shell Internationale Petroleum Mij.
B.V., The Hague.
10:50 am—"Production Risers for the Future," by G. van der Graaf, senior project manager, A/S Norske Shell, Stavanger; Christian Dumazy, project manager, Elf Aquitaine (SNEA-P), Paris; and R.L.
Vernier, senior marine engineer, Conoco Production Engineering Services, Houston.
11:40 am—"State-of-the-Art for Subsea Pipeline Connections," by Robert J. Brown, chairman, R.J Brown & Associates, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
12:15 pm—Lunch Afternoon Session Chairman: Bjorn Husemoen, director, Kongsberg Engineering, Oslo.
2:00 pm—"Norwegian Industrial Involvement: Potentials and Objectives," by Anders M. Liaaen, managing director, A.M. Liaaer A/ S, Alesund.
2:40 pm—"Critical Hardware and Control Aspects of Subsea Production Systems," by Tore Andvig, manager, Kongsberg Subsea Systems, A/S Kongsberg Vapenfabrikk, Kongsberg.
3:45 pm—"Troll Development—The Technical Challenge," by Donal A. O'Neill, head, subsea & export studies, A/S Norske Shell, Stavanger.
4:25 pm—"The Future of Subsea Production," by Jacques Delacour, director, drilling and production systems, Institute Francais du ' Petrole (IFP), Rueil Malmaison Cedex.
Special Conference Hydrocarbon Transport Systems—Operation And Future Development Friday, August 24 Chairman: Magne Reed, vice president, Norwegian Shipowners' Association, Oslo.
9:30 am—"Development in the Simulation and Design of Multiphase Pipeline Systems," by H.L.
Norris III, senior research spe specialist, Exxon Production Research Company, Houston.
10:00 am—"Conventional/Unconventional Transport Methods," by Fred Weir, exploration & production manager, Mobil Exploration Norway, Inc., Stavanger.
10:45 am—"Reliability and Economics of Pipeline Operations," by F.J. Alexander, head of engineering, Total Oil Marine- Aberdeen; and Olav Furnes, president, a.s.
Veritec, Oslo.
11:45—"Planning of Start-up and Operation for the Statpipe Transport System," by Egil Sael, general manager, Statpipe, Statoil, Haugesund.
12:15 pm—Lunch..
Read OFFSHORE NORTHERN SEAS in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of July 15, 1984 Maritime Reporter
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