Saab Introduces New Level-Gauging System

— L i t e r a t u r e Available Saab Marine Electronics has developed a new version of its radarbased level-gauging system for tankers. The system is called Saab TankRadar, Model M, and incorporates all the reliable components of the original SUM-21, but with added capabilities to supply temperature and inert gas pressure measurements.

The same three-pair deck cable is used for both level, temperature, and pressure transmission, which means that substantial savings on installation costs can be made. In addition, the equipment cost is about 15 percent lower than the company's previous radar-based gauging system.

Also possible to incorporate in the TankRadar system are features such as color graphic CRTs, electronic remote control of pumps and valves, wireless portable deck readouts, and volumetric data.

One of the first installations of the new system will be aboard Exxon's two 209,000-dwt crude oil tankers to be built by National Steel and Shipbuilding in San Diego.

For further information and free literature on the TankRadar system, Circle 5 1 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from April 1985 issue


Maritime Reporter

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