Matson Navigation Orders 3 Mitsui/Paceco Container Cranes For $10 Million

Matson Navigation Company of San Francisco has ordered three new high-speed container cranes for its terminals. One each will be installed at the Oakland and Los Angeles terminals; these are expected to be in operation by late October this year. The third crane will be installed at Matson's Sand Island Terminal in Honolulu, with delivery scheduled for the fall of 1986. Total cost of the three cranes is expected to be about $10 million.

The new cranes, largest in the Matson system, have a capacity to lift 40 long tons. They were built by Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding in Tamano, Japan, under a licensing arrangement with Paceco, Inc. of Gulfport, Miss., a subsidiary of Fruehauf Corporation.

The gantries are being added to help handle the steadily increasing volume of containers carried by Matson ships in Pacific Coast-Hawaii service, and by NYK vessels and other customers of Matson Terminals, Inc., the company that operates the container yards.

The new cranes were shipped in four lage sub-assemblies each aboard an NYK-chartered vessel, the Happy Buccaneer. After unloading the Oakland crane, the heavy-lift ship went on to Los Angeles to unload the second crane at the Terminal Island yard.

For additional information on Paceco container cranes, Circle 95 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 39,  Oct 15, 1985

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