Alaska Diesel Electric's 'Lugger' Engines Chosen For N e w Tug

The recent launching of the 37-foot tug Max Effort near Virginia Beach represented the culmination of 61/2 years of effort on the part of the boat's creator, Ray Emanuelson, who designed the vessel based on a variety of tugs he saw around the boatyards of Norfolk as a youngster, and constructed it in his garage.

The hull of the Max Effort consists of three layers of 1V2 - by 3A -inch yellow pine overlaid with four layers of 10-ounce fiberglass. The keel area has an additional four layers of fiberglass.

A pair of Lugger diesels manufactured by Alaska Diesel Electric of Seattle were chosen for the tug, each delivering 80 hp at 2,500 rpm. The four-cycle, direct injection units are based on American-made John Deere blocks. The Lugger diesels have a simple design with many long-life features. All service points are located on one side for easy maintenance. The cast-iron, freshwater cooling system has an extra large expansion tank and liquid cooled exhaust manifolds.

Wet cylinder liners provide excellent heat dissipation.

They are individually replaceable for easier maintenance and less expensive overhaul.

The Max Effort weighs 14 tons and cruises at approximately 8.5 knots at 1,600 rpm. Maximum speed is above 12 knots at 2,475 rpm.

For further information on Alaska Diesel Electric's Lugger diesels, Circle 51 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from November 1985 issue


Maritime Reporter

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