Page 16: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 1994)
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DOT Awards $17 Million
In Ferry Boat Discretionary Funds
U.S. Secretary of Transportation Federico
Pena announced that the Department of Trans- portation (DOT) has allocated more than $17 million among 13 states for construction projects on ferry boats and ferry terminal facilities. "Our nation's ferry system remains a key link in many regional transportation systems," Sec- retary Pena said. "These funds illustrate the continuing commitment of the Clinton Adminis- tration to help rebuild America by investing in our nation's infrastructure in order to create the seamless intermodal system this country needs."
The funds were distributed as follows:
Alaska $1 million
Kentucky $90,000
Massachusetts $960,000
Michigan $2.4 million
Missouri $278,800
New Jersey $2 million
New York $1.5 million
North Carolina $2.8 million
Pennsylvania $1 million
Rhode Island $1.2 million
Utah $760,000
Virginia $520,000
Washington $2.8 million 52
Maritrans Pays Stockholder Dividend
Maritrans Inc. declared a dividend of $.02 per share payable as of Dec. 12,1994 to shareholders of record as of Nov. 28, 1994.
Stephen A. Van Dyck, chairman and CEO, commented, "We believe that the actions we have taken in recent years have strengthened our position ... We are confident that we can now commence a dividend, which we expect will con- tinue quarterly and may grow with the passage of time and the implementation of our distribu- tion strategy."
Campbell D'Entremont, Reardon Join
Marine Atlantic's Board
Canadian Transport Minister Douglas
Young announced the appointment of J. Rich- ard Campbell of Commercial Cross, P.E.I., R.
Irene D'Entremont of Yarmouth, N.S., and
Gerald P. Reardon of Sydney, N.S., to the board of directors of Marine Atlantic Inc. Ma- rine Atlantic is a Crown Corporation with a mission to provide quality, safe and efficient marine transportation and hospitality services.
Its principal activity is the operation of the major ferry services in the Atlantic provinces on behalf of the government of Canada.
Cheramy Founds Maritime Consultancy
David Cher- amy, former mar- keting manager for
Portland Ship Yard (PSY) for ten years, has founded Mari- time Consulting In- ternational (MCI), providing market de- velopment and proj ect management services.
Current and re- cent MCI projects include a market study on second-tier shipbuilding opportunities over the next five years; identifying specific opportunities in the maritime market; and safety management systems activities.
MCI offers clear, well-researched market and strategic plans; definition of a client's product, location of the market niche and timely design of a sales strategy; consultation in outsourcing and combining design, engineering and production specialists to lower costs and increase profits; preparation of creative proposals and closing important sales; and providing combinations of direct sales and support of sales staff. Clients include Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, PSY, West
Coast Shipping, and Mar Com Inc.
For more information on MCI
Circle 90 on Reader Service Card
Falk Makes Additions To Sales Staff
Roy J. Durkee has been assigned to the Mid-
Atlantic district office sales staff, and W. Bryant
Medders to the Birmingham, Ala. district sales office staff of the Falk Corporation. Mr. Durkee will serve the company's customers in northern
New Jersey, southeastern New York and Con- necticut. Mr. Medders will serve customers in northern Mississippi, central Tennessee and
Kop-Flex, Flender AG Reach
Transmission Product Agreement
Kop-Flex, a Baltimore, Md.-based manufac- turer of power transmission products, entered into a strategic alliance with A. Friedr. Flender
AG, a manufacturer of power transmission prod- ucts worldwide, to market a line of resilient couplings in North America. The resilient cou- plings will be supplied from its headquarters plant in Hanover, Md., and also from its Cana- dian facility near Toronto, Ontario.
Dunagin Named Boston Whaler's
Marketing/PR Manager
Teresa Dunagin has been promoted to man- ager of marketing, communications and public relations for Boston Whaler. Ms. Dunagin joined the Edgewater, Fla.-based boat manufac- turer in January as marketing coordinator.
Tidewater Names O'Malley Chairman,
President & CEO
Tidewater Inc. elected William C. O'Malley chairman of the board, president and CEO, suc- ceeding John P. Laborde, whose retirement became effective Oct. 20,1994. Mr. Laborde will serve as a consultant to Tidewater under the terms of a three-year contract.
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
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J.W. Fishers manufactures a comprehensive line of highly sophisticated underwater electronics equipment, including metal detectors, side scan sonar and remote video products. Meticulously engineered to meet the growing needs of the dedicated diver. J.W. Fishers dive and search equipment represents the ultimate in u/w performance and value.
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Circle 219 on Reader Service Card
David Cheramy
Circle 262 on Reader Service Card loin the fleets that are "ENVIRONMENTALLY CORRECT"!
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