Long Maritime Reporter 1976 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on June 15, 1976With the Spring Class of Mississippi State University, well over 50 graduates of the Marine Engineering Technology Curriculum will enter the growing shipbuilding industry in the South. Each year, thus far, the senior class has worked on a project which is directed toward a topical situation an
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Maritime Reporter
on June 15, 1976The Texaco South America, a very large crude carrier (VLCC) of 270,000 deadweight tons built for Texaco's international fleets by Astilleros y Talleres del Noroeste S.A. (ASTANO), was christened recently in ceremonies at the ASTANO shipyard in El Ferrol del Caudillo, Spain. Sponsor of the T
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Maritime Reporter
on June 15, 1976A $12-million computerized marine simulator was unveiled in May at the Maritime Administration's Computer-Aided Operations Research Facility (CAORF) at Kings Point, N.Y., by Robert J. Blackwell, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Maritime Affairs. Described as the world's most sophisticated
- Canadian Yards Building For Export page: 37
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1976From offshore rigs to bulk carriers and special vessels such as oceangoing selfunloaders, Canada's yards are currently busy filling worldwide orders. Halifax Shipyard is building a $30-million self-righting drill rig for a consortium of oil companies for use in the North Sea, to be delivered
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1976The New York Metropolitan Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) will hold an all-day Tanker Symposium at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, Long Island, N.Y., April 23, 1976. The highlights of the symposium will be a dinner address by Robert
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1976Congoleum C o r p o r a t i o n announced that the U.S. Navy has awarded a $224-million contract to its shipbuilding subsidiary, Bath Iron Works Corporation (BIW), Bath, Maine, for the construction of five Guided Missile Frigates of the new FFG-7 class. The contract has incentive features a
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1976John D. Geary, president, Midland Enterprises, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, was elected chairman of the board of The American Waterways Operators, Inc. (AWO), at the recent annual meeting of directors of the Association in Washington, D.C. James R. Smith, former Assistant Secretary of the Interi
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1976In February, shipbuilders and drill-rig manufacturers from several countries gathered at Vancouver Shipyards, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, to watch a 7,000,000-pound ship transferred to launching position on a film of water 5/1000 of an inch thick. It was the heaviest weight e
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1976Setenave-A New Portuguese Shipyard Setenave — Estaleiros Navais de Setubal (Setenave Shipyards), was founded in May 1971 for the purpose of operating a new construction shipyard at the mouth of the Sado River, in the vicinity of the town of Setubal, Portugal. The facility is 25 miles south