Medium Maritime Reporter 1978 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978Equipped with a unique computerized positioning system, the Saipem Castoro Sei, the world's largest pipelaying barge, began its sea trials in August off the Italian coast. The column-stabilized, semisubmersible barge, which measures 470 by 212 by 98 feet is designed to lay pipe on the floor of
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978A.L. Burbank & Company, Ltd., New York, N.Y., well-known steamship owners, agents, brokers and consultants to the maritime industry, has announced the election of Peter Burbank to the office of chairman of the board and chief executive officer of the company. Mr. Burbank, who since 1955 has be
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978The New York Metropolitan Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers opened the 1978-79 season with Past Chairman's Night on September 19, 1978, at the Whitehall Club in New York City. The Section chairman, David A. O'Neil, introduced all the past chairmen present. Robert
- President Signs Murphy Energy Bill page: 54
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978Chairman John M. Murphy of the Ad Hoc Select Committee on the Outer Continental Shelf applauded the signing by President Carter of S. 9, the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Amendments of 1978. The new law establishes a revised statutory regime for the management of our offshore oil and ga
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978Kubota, Ltd. is initiating the first stage of its U.S. marketing program for KCP cargo oil pipe with the establishment of stockpiles at Coastal Marine Service, Port Arthur, Texas. Initial inventory of the corrosive resistant centrifugally cast pipe was delivered in late September and includ
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978Floyd A. (Bud) Mechling has retired as chairman of the board of Union Mechling Corp. He will continue to serve as a director of the Pittsburgh, Pa.-based barge line until May of next year, and will serve as a transportation consultant to Dravo Corporation, Union Mechling's parent company. P
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978Crowley Maritime Salvage, Inc., San Francisco, Calif., was recently contracted by the United States Navy to provide equipment maintenance and environmental protection services, according to an announcement by Leo L. Collar, executive vice president of Crowley Maritime Corporation, CMS paren
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978Three executive appointments in business, operations and traffic have been announced by Evergreen Handt Corp., general agents for Evergreen Line's East Coast/ Far East container service. The announcement of the appointments was made by Svend Hansen Jr., president of Evergreen Handt. Richar
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978The board of directors of Puerto Rico Marine Management, Inc., Elizabeth, N.J., has announced the appointment of Ruddie E. Irizariy as president of PRMMI. Mr. Irizarry, in turn, announced two other high-level PRMMI appointments in the U.S. PRMMI, with 17 offices in the U.S. and four in Puer
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978Thomas J. Smith, president of Farrell Lines Incorporated, announced the election of George F. Lowman to the office of chairman of the board of directors. Mr. Lowman succeeds the late James A. Farrell Jr., who died on September 15, 1978. Mr. Lowman has been a director of Farrell Lines since
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978Design of a multipurpose mobilization ship suitable for both rapid production in wartime and commercial needs in peacetime will be unveiled November 6 by the Maritime Administration (MarAd), an agency of the Department of Commerce. The forum will be a Government/Industry Mobilization Ship Con
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978The Propeller Club of the United States, Port of Los Angeles-Long Beach No. 66, recently held their first board of governors meeting under new president Lew Coppersmith. Mr. Coppersmith, president of L.E. Coppersmith, Inc., had received the gavel from outgoing president Robert D. Hudson of
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978Ogden Marine, Inc., an Ogden Corporation subsidiary, has announced that one of the two new tankers to be built at Ogden's Avondale Shipyards, Inc. has been chartered on a long-term basis to Diamond Shamrock Corporation of Cleveland, Ohio, to transport chemical cargoes between U.S. Gulf and
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978On September 12, 1978, the Charleston Section of the American Society of Naval Engineers held its regular monthly meeting at the Naval Base Officers' Club. The meeting was well attended by 38 members and guests. After a social hour and dinner, a brief business session was conducted by chairma
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978Foster Wheeler Boiler Corporation, 110 South Orange Avenue, Livingston, N.J. 07039, has received a contract from the Quincy Shipbuilding Division of General Dynamics Corporation to supply inert gas generators and dry air plants for two liquefied natural gas (LNG) tankers under construction
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978Stolt Tankers, pioneers in the worldwide ocean transportation of specialty liquid products in bulk, has added two new parcel tankers to its growing fleet of modern IMCO certificated tonnage. The M/T Stolt Avenir, the second of two 22,800-dwt vessels built by Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Ca
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978John F. Sullivan, president of Bath Iron Works Corporation, Bath, Maine, has announced the appointment of Allan G. Anderson to the newly created position of manager of market planning and development. Mr. Anderson reports to James Harvie, marketing manager, and is responsible for developing
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Maritime Reporter
on October 15, 1978The Hong Kong Trade Development Council reports that the C.Y. Tung Group has recentlyenlarged its fleet with the purchase of 20 secondhand vessels having a combined total tonnage amounting to over two million. These ships were acquired last year, mostly from Scandinavian owners, and are mai
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Maritime Reporter
on October 1978The Stanwick Company, a division of The Stanwick Corporation, has been awarded a contract by Exxon International Company to furnish shipboard maintenance and inventory control systems for ships of the Esso Everett-class, c o m p r i s e d of four 37,000-dwt diesel-driven tankers. The system
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Maritime Reporter
on October 1978The Ship Structure Committee has recently published two new reports dealing with structural details and tolerances common to the commercial and naval shipbuilding industry. These reports should be valuable guides to both structural designers and shipyard personnel. SSC-272, "In-Service Perfor