Medium Maritime Reporter 1978 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1978Negotiations between the People's Republic of China and the National Supply Company, division of Armco Steel Corporation, Houston, Texas, have been completed for the sale of two offshore oil production platforms valued at more than $15 million, it was announced by Ted Rogers, National Supply
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1978Ranking Korean maritime and diplomatic officials visited the Port of Oakland for the formal signing of a Sister Port affiliation between the Port of Oakland, Calif., and the Port of Inchon, Republic of Korea. Heading the Korean delegation were Young Woo Chang, director general, Planning and
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1978The Technical Section annual meeting of the Canadian Shipbuilding and Ship Repairing Association will be held on Tuesday, February 7, 1978, in the Grand Salon of the Hotel Meridien, Complexe Desjardins, Montreal, Quebec. The theme for the meeting will be "Approaching the New Shipbuilding Er
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1978Adm. O.W. Siler, United States Coast Guard Commandant, recently presented the United States Coast Guard Distinguished Public Service Award to Capt. Francis B. Crocco, USNR ( r e t . ) , who heads the firm of Francis B. Crocco, Inc., San Juan, Puerto Rico. The citation, which was awarded at
- HUD Adds Giant Floating Drydock page: 15
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1978Hong Kong will soon be able to offer some of the world's most up-to-date ship repair facilities, according to Jack Barrass of Hongkong United Dockyards. The facilities will incorporate a giant HK$40-million floating drydock which was constructed in Sasebo, Japan. According to Mr. Barrass, w
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1978Peterson Builders, Inc. of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., has been awarded a contract with the City of Detroit to construct and deliver a 77-foot high-speed aluminum fireboat. The hull of the vessel, specially designed for operation in the ice-filled waters of the Detroit River and the surrounding Seaw
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1978A unique shallow-draft, selfcontained and self-elevating cantilevered drilling platform was launched November 22 from Marathon's Brownsville, Texas, shipyard. The new Marathon 150-44-C class platform is being constructed for Chiles Offshore Limited, Houston. It was officially christened Dec
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1978The Long Beach-Greater Los Angeles Section of the American Society of Naval Engineers, Inc. held its November meeting at the Ports O'Call Restaurant, overlooking the Los Angeles Harbor in San Pedro. Following dinner, Philip Finkelstein, chairman of the Section, started the business and technic
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1978Atlantic Dry Dock Corporation, Ft. George Island, Fla., marine repair facility, recently completed a highly specialized conversion of the research vessel Athena. The Athena, a high-speed R & D ship operated by the David W. Taylor Ship Research & Development Center, was specially equipped for a
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1978Approximately 80 members and guests of the Pacific Northwest Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers attended a regular meeting at Pier 91 Officer's Club, Seattle, Wash. After the dinner, a technical paper entitled "Oceanographic Deck Machinery" was presented by John M
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1978The Assistant Secretary has approved in principle an amended application by F&S Offshore, Inc., 3501 N. Causeway, Suite 600, Metairie, La., for a Title XI guarantee to aid in financing the construction of two oceangoing deck cargo barges. Previously, F&S sought and received Title XI approval
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1978The second meeting of the 1977-78 season of the Canadian Maritime Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers was held at the Wandlyn Motel in Saint John, New Brunswick, on November 15,1977. The guest speaker for the evening, E.P. Crowdy, presented his paper, "Waste Heat
- The Parcel Tanker Trades page: 38
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1978The term parcel tanker has no precise meaning, but it is frequently applied to highly specialized ships designed to carry highly specialized liquid cargoes (which often have severe hazards as regards toxicity, corrosiveness, inflammability, or a combination of these, or which must be kept free
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1978Six maritime industry leaders, including a top official of the International Longshoremen's Association (AFL-CIO), were honored by the National Safety Council for actions in behalf of worker safety. Five of the group were cited for outstanding presentations to the NSC's Marine Section meeti