Medium Maritime Reporter 1978 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) classed 55 vessels worldwide in September, totaling 1,129,407 deadweight tons or 611,884 gross tons. The vessels classed during the month included two very large crude carriers (VLCCs), one selfelevating drilling unit and three roll-on / roll-off (ro /
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978The Engineer's Council for Professional Development (ECPD) has accredited the electrical engineering, marine engineering, and naval architecture curricula of SUNY Maritime College. The ECPD is recognized by the Council on Postsecondary Accreditation (COPA) as the accrediting body for engine
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., recently completed the conversion of a 30,000-ton-class semipassenger ship into a full-passenger ship at its Kobe Works, and delivered it to Festivale Maritime Inc. of the U.S. The unusual order, the first of its kind to have been received by a Japanese ship
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978The 30th Annual Fall Meeting of the Gulf Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) was held at the Broadwater Beach Hotel, Biloxi, Miss., on September 22, 1978. A capacity crowd attended the technical session which opened at 11 a.m. with John J. Kelly, vice pr
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978Santa Fe International Corporation's new pipelaying reel ship Apache has been awarded its first contract by BP Petroleum Development Ltd. to lay pipelines and control lines in the Buchan Field. BP is the operator for the development of the Buchan Field on behalf of a group comprising BP, Na
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978Morris G u r a l n i c k Associates, Inc., largest firm of naval architects and marine engineers on the West Coast, has moved its San Francisco, Calif., headquarters to an architecturally historic building at 620 Folsom Street. The move, on October 15, 1978, was necessitated by recent expans
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978Hewitt-Robins International Inc. has released a new four-color, tri-language brochure on Cargoveyor Systems — automated, continuous ship unloading/loading of bags, cartons and boxes. The new brochure offers practical solutions to the problems involved in the unloading and loading of bags, c
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978As part of Sembawang Shipyard's $20- million expansion and modernization program, a new $9-million finger pier has recently been completed to supplement the host of other sophisticated facilities at the Singapore yard. The new pier, allowing easier access for supplies and services to three fl
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., recently received an order to build a large floating dock for the Persian Gulf Shipbuilding Corporation, a governmental organization of Iran. Kawasaki has in the past built two floating docks for its own use, but this will be the first for an overseas custom
- 188,500-DWT Tanker For Transport Of Alaskan Oil Christened At National Steel And Shipbuilding page: 25
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978Christening ceremonies were recently performed at National Steel and Shipbuilding Co., San Diego, Calif., aboard the S/S B.T. San Diego, the second of two 188,500-deadweight-ton San Diego-class tankers for long-term use by Shell Oil Company. Mrs. Chauncey W. Cook, whose husband is a member
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978Sealed proposals for construction of a 320-foot ferry will be received by the Delaware River and Bay Authority during normal business hours at the Director's Office in the Administration Building, Delaware Memorial Bridge, New Castle, Del., until 10:30 a.m., E.S.T., December 13, 1978, at wh
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978Anthony J. McAllister of Mc- Allister Brothers, Inc., the marine towing and transport company, has been awarded the Stevens Honor Award by Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, N.J. The award, which honors his extraordinary business career that spans six decades, was presented at the
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978Rodney P. Burwell, president of Proform, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn., has announced the recent initial production of the firm's newly designed SFRP® (Structural Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic) Corrugated Lift-Off Barge Covers. As with the earlier covers, according to Mr. Burwell, these new design
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978In a major expansion move intended to consolidate towing and barging operations under unified management, Mon River Towing, Inc. of Belle Vernon, Pa., has acquired Hillman T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Company's fleet of coal barges and its coal transportation contracts. In announcing the acqu
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978In mid-April 1978, the Department of Engineering at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, N.Y., inaugurated a fourweek Marine Diesel Continuing Education course which makes the Academy's new medium- and slow-speed diesel f a c i l i t i e s available to licensed steam engineers. Devel
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978Eleven business and military men who are U.S. Merchant Marine Academy graduates were honored f o r their professional achievements by the Kings Point Alumni Association at a dinner on October 6, at the Academy's Officers' Club. Six other alumni were cited for their service to the Alumni Ass
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978Baker Marine Corporation, which is primarily engaged in the construction of offshore jackup drilling platforms, has announced its intention to enter into a License Agreement with Cometarsa, S.A., an Argentine corporation with principal offices in Buenos Aires. Baker Marine Corporation has a
- MarAd Awards Five Research Contracts page: 11
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978The Maritime Administration has awarded the following research and development contracts: A $442,000 contract to Combustion Engineering, Inc., Windsor, Conn., to investigate the potential improvement in atomization of marine bunker fuels that have been emulsified with water. The investigati
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Maritime Affairs Samuel B. Nemirow has approved in principle the application by Manatee Towing Company, 2050 Coral Way, Miami, Fla., for a Title XI guarantee to aid in financing the construction of two integrated tug-barge units. Manatee is a wholl
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Maritime Reporter
on November 15, 1978Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Maritime Affairs Robert J. Blackwell has announced the award of a $156,214,680 contract to Avondale Shipyards, New Orleans, La., for the construction of three new 41,250-deadweightton bulk carriers for subsidiaries of Occidental Petroleum Corporation, Los