Medium Maritime Reporter 1978 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on September 15, 1978Boeing Marine Systems, P.O. Box 3707, Seattle, Wash. 98124, has awarded contracts totaling more than $4,360,000 for work in connection with the production of Patrol Hydrofoil Missileships (PHM) for the U.S. Navy. More than 30 major contractors will supply materials for the five PHMs now und
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Maritime Reporter
on September 15, 1978What is one of the largest vessels ever designed for the Alaskan crab fishery, with an estimated capacity of 450,000 pounds of live king crabs, was recently completed at Halter Marine, Inc., Moss Point, Miss., shipyard. The $2-million-plus Alaskan Enterprise, which was delivered on Labor Da
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Maritime Reporter
on September 15, 1978A three-year, $13-million contract has been awarded to the Aerojet Liquid Rocket Company (ALRC) of Sacramento, Calif., by Boeing Marine Systems of Seattle, Wash., to produce waterjet pumps for five Patrol Hydrofoil Missile-carrying ships (PHMs) which Boeing is building for the U.S. Navy. S
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Maritime Reporter
on September 15, 1978With oil and gas reserves equal to the North Sea, a commercial fishing industry expected to triple in size, huge mineral deposits, and extensive hydro-power potential, "the 1980s will be the decade that belongs to Newfoundland and Labrador," according to a new publication, "Newfoundland Oppo
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Maritime Reporter
on September 15, 1978J.W. Bean, p r e s i d e n t , Eagle Dredging Corp., New Orleans, La., a joint venture of C.F. Bean Corp. and Adriaan Volker Dredging Company, Rotterdam, Holland, has announced the signing of a $25-miIlion contract with Avondale Shipyards, Inc., a subsidiary of Ogden Corporation, to construc
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1978In its further commitment to handle substantial increases of oceanborne imports of LPG in the near future, Sea-3, Inc., Houston, Texas, a Gazocean Group Company, has appointed two new vice presidents. Jerome W. Jackson has been named vice president of marketing for the East and West Coasts, w
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1978Performance tests were recently completed at Delaval Turbine Inc., on the largest vertically submerged screw pump systems ever built. Designed by engineers at the IMO Pump Division of Delaval and built at Delaval's Trenton, N.J., plant, the three units are each over 40 feet (12.2 meters) in le
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1978Cargo security at the Port of Oakland, Calif., is the subject of a pilot study by the public accounting and management consulting firm of Coopers & Lybrand, under U.S. Department of Transportation sponsorship. The aim of the analysis is to assist the Port of Oakland in developing a strong l
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1978A $3.6-million contract to conduct acceptance testing of sonobuoys for the United States Navy has been awarded by the Naval A v i o n i c s Center, Indianapolis, Ind., to Tracor Marine, Inc., Port Everglades, Fla., subsidiary of Tracor, Inc., Austin, Texas. Jean Fitzgerald, president of PAC
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1978Kongsberg Systems, Inc., 10 DeAngelo Drive, Bedford, Mass. 01730, has announced the appointment of Erik Ambjor as president. Mr. Ambjor succeeds Dr. Trond Bue, who has recently assumed another p o s i t i o n with Kongsberg Systems' parent company, Kongsberg Vaapenfabrikk of Norway. Mr. Am
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1978A reorganization of the Dutch shipbuilding industries has resulted in the merger of IHC Gusto, the offshore yard of IHC Holland, into the Rhine-Schelde- Verolme Group (RSV) .This merger became effective July 15, 1978. The production facilities of Gusto will be shut down and its labor force
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1978Half of a 24-boat "fleet" of oil-spill skimmers for the U.S. Navy previously built by Marine Construction and Design Co. (MARCO), 2300 West Commodore Way, Seattle, Wash. 98199, are being "modularized" so they can be transported by aircraft. The work is being done under a $1.8- million modific
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1978Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc., 1114 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036, has reported increased net operating income and net income for the three months and six months ended June 30, 1978. Net operating income in the second quarter rose to $13,472,000, or $1.22 per share, from $11
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1978Paolo A. Gamboni, chairman and chief executive officer of Worthington Pump Inc., has been selected to receive the highest honor Italy awards to businessmen for contributions to economic development, industrial advancement and social improvement of Italy. The honorary title "Cavaliere del' Lavo
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1978The first purpose-built accommodation platform in the world, ordered by Consafe Offshore AB of Goteborg, was recently named Safe Astoria at Gotaverken Cityvarvet, Goteborg, Sweden. The Safe Astoria was named by Mrs. Lorraine Henderson, wife of J.H. Henderson, offshore construction manager a
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1978The Los Angeles Metropolitan Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) has announced details of the California Sections joint meeting, to be held in conjunction with the Northern California Section and the San Diego Section on October 13, 14 and 15. The meeting pl
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1978Michael C. Kenney, president of Ships Supply Inc., is the new president of The Propeller Club, Port of Jacksonville, Fla., succeeding James F. Moseley, admiralty attorney. John W. Connolly Jr., president of Eastern Seaboard Petroleum Co., Inc., is the new 1st vice president— in line for the
- Halter Marine Delivers First Of Three Supply Boats To Brazil —First From U.S. Shipbuilder page: 40
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1978Halter Marine, Inc., New Orleans, La., has delivered the first offshore supply boat built by a U.S. shipbuilder to the nation of Brazil. The 185-foot Oxala (pronounced o-shal-a), the first of a three-boat contract, was built for H. Dantas Servicos Maritimos, S.A. of Rio de Janeiro for operatio
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1978Gulf Mississippi Marine Corporation, New Orleans, La., one of the principal operating companies of the Offshore Marine Services Division of Pott Industries, has taken delivery of a new 185-foot by 38-foot by 14-foot, 3,600-hpclass supply vessel. The Gulf Fleet No. 31 was constructed by Qual
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1978Smit Nymegen recently held a series of one-half-day seminars on independently fired inert gas generators. In addition to various shipyards, seminars were conducted at the Whitehall Lunch Club in New York City, the Galleria Plaza in Houston, Texas, and the Hotel Bonaventure in Los Angeles, C