Maritime Reporter 1982 Articles
- Navy Subcontract Awarded Peck & Hale page: 91
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982Peck & Hale, Inc., West Sayville, N.Y., has been awarded a contract to supply cargo shoring systems for the fleet ballistic missile ship USNS Vega. Boland Marine and Manufacturing Company, New Orleans, La., was awarded the prime contract for the vessel and subcontracted the $300,000 cargo s
- HUD Nears Completion Of $80 M i l l i on Conversion Of Bulk Carrier To Drillship For Australia page: 76
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982Hongkong United Dockyards' (HUD) largest ship conversion contract is nearing completion at the company's Tsing Yi Island yard. The $30-million one-year contract, due to be completed in the third quarter of 1982, is for the conversion of an 18,949-dwt bulkcarrier into a sophisticated 9,215-dwt
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982Thomas M. Lowrey and Ben Albert have been appointed vice presidents by TANO Corporation, the New Orleans, La.-based automation controls company. Mr. Lowrey, named vice president of sales and marketing, was formerly an officer and vice president of administration for The Western Company of Nor
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982SPAR Associates, Inc. of Annapolis, Md., announced the sale of a triad of shipyard production planning and cost/schedule control systems to Saint John Shipbuilding & Drydock Company in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. The three systems have been implemented on a PRIME minicomputer and inclu
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982Halter Marine's drydock at Chickasaw, Ala., is now available for ship and rig repair work. The announcement was made by R.J. Shopf, president of Halter Marine, Inc., who said the drydock was built in 1980 to service Halter's CATUG c o n s t r u c t i on program. "That program," he said, "ha
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982George Spiotta, executive vice president of Concorde Line-Atlantic Division, New York, N.Y., announced recently the promotion of Victor Otero from line manager to vice president. "While he had performed some of these assignments before," said Mr. Spiotta, "he will now be fully responsible f
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982Seaward International, Inc., Falls Church, Va., has expanded its line of marine fenders with the addition of the Sumitomo brand rubber dock fenders for which Seaward is now the exclusive U.S. representative. Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd., makes a wide variety of rubber fenders, primarily
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982Separation and Recovery Systems, Inc. (SRS) of Irvine, Calif., announced that it was awarded a contract to construct 11 vacuum gravity oily water separators for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a research agency of the U.S. government. The separators have been app
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982Problems caused by shipping coal in uncovered barges have led to the purchase of SFRP (structural fiberglass reinforced plastic) barge covers to protect export coal shipments, Proform, Inc. of Minneapolis, Minn., reported recently. The covers were purchased by a major barge company in respo
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982Royal Viking Line, San Francisco, Calif., recently appointed John B. Richards vice president of marketing/planning, according to the cruise line's senior vice president of marketing, George Sotir. "In his newly established position, John will work closely with top management in setting mark
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982A firm fixed-price contract for $7,937,936 has been awarded to the Louis Allis division of Litton Industries by the Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D.C. The Milwaukee-based manufacturer of electric motors, solidstate motor drives, and power conversion equipment for industrial and nav
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982Bestobell's level switch and flowmeter product lines have been consolidated into Armtec Industries, Inc., an established instrument m a n u f a c t u r e r headquartered in Manchester, N.H. Columbia Controls Company is no longer responsible for these Bestobell product lines. All orders are
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982The offices for operations of the marine division of Reynolds Metals Company and its subsidiary, Caribbean Steamship Company, S.A., have been centered in a new location in Corpus Christi, Texas, it was announced recently. The move from the Petroleum Tower in the downtown area of Corpus Chri
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982The Maritime Administration has approved in principle an application from American Commercial Lines, Inc., Houston, Texas, for a Title XI guarantee to aid in financing or refinancing two towboats and 86 hopper barges. The vessels were built by Jeffboat, Inc., Jeffersonville, Ind., and deli
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982Hellenic Lines Limited of Piraeus, Greece, officially christened its new 432-TEU containership, the CV Hellenic Cape, in a ceremony held recently in Singapore. The commissioning of the Hellenic Cape marks the completion of one important phase of Hellenic Lines' vast program of modernization
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982The Maritime Administration recently opened its new Merchant Seaman Fire Training Center at Swanton, Ohio. It is intended to serve the eight-state Great Lakes mid-continent area, including inland waterways. This is the fourth such facility MarAd supports. The others are at Earle, N.J., Trea
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982Peter J. Brix, president of Knappton Corporation, Portland, Ore., has been elected to the board of directors of Twin City Barge, Inc., South St. Paul, Minn., John W. Lambert, chairman of the board and chief executive officer, announced recently. Twin City Barge and Knappton Corporation last
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982The Robert H. Wager Company, Inc., has introduced an extensive line of Wager deck drains, complementing t h e company's manufacture and marine supply of vent valves, boiler accessories, and both visual and photoelectric smoke monitors. New literature available free from Wager describes the
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982Atlantic Container Line's British s h a r e h o l d e r , the Cunard Steam-Ship Company, reached agreement recently with British Shipbuilders to build a new ship at Swan Hunter Shipyard of Newcastle for delivery in the first half of 1984. The signing finalized plans for the fourth vessel in
- ASNE page: 50
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Maritime Reporter
on January 9, 1982September 30 - October 2 Siloxi, Mississippi The American Society of Naval Engineers, in conjunction with the Ingalls Shipbuilding and Data Systems Divisions of Litton Industries and the Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, U.S. Navy, P a s c a g o u l a, Miss., are sponsori