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Container Ports

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for ?eets considering modernization or drive upgrades to existing “Konecranes is taking the RTG automation process a stage fur- cranes, to add automated functionality to reliable existing RTGs. ther with its ARTG Version 2.0, which can be retro?tted into any brown?eld container terminal. It can ?t any container stack enve-

Widely Applicable lope because it uses space very effectively. Additionally, truck han-

The automation process is ?exible and widely applicable. But dling is automated, with remote supervision. One remote supervi- given that automated RTG operation is a powerful thing – which sor can handle up to ?ve ARTGs simultaneously,” says Mr. Tukia.

can deliver cost-savings, improved safety, more predictable pro- ARTG version 2.0 cranes are equipped with the latest wireless ductivity and greater reliability - why have only a few container communication technology, including control signals and video terminals implemented automated RTGs so far? signals that are now wireless. This means that the ARTGs can be

Tukia says one reason was the dif?culty of safely separating diesel-powered and there is no need for cable reels and ?ber optics.

man and machine within the automated container handling pro- “With Konecranes ARTG 2.0, there’s no need for truck lane cess. Another was how the technology must handle the rough op- fencing. ARTG 2.0 has a redesigned safety concept built on the erating conditions of RTG yards. ARTG. “We like to call it the ‘street bogie’. It ?ts in your cur- “The technology involved needs to be able to be retro?tted rent yard envelope. This enables free truck ?ow with a bypass in a brown?eld scenario. And it needs to be proven and ready lane as you know it in conventional RTG yards,” he says. in a green?eld scenario. You get all of this in the Konecranes Trucks ?ow freely, going under the ARTG’s and using the bypass 16-wheel ARTG system, which went into service successfully in lane to go in and out. The ARTG’s have wireless video and con- 2016, with other sites following since.” trol signals. This enables automation for RTG’s, powered by diesel “Now you get the latest technology for fully automated truck gensets, which are still today the most common power choice. handling, carried out in a supervised operating mode. The remote “Being able to switch between container blocks without recali- supervisor can easily handle up to ?ve ARTG’s at the same time. bration is a major commercial advantage. Additionally, it’s advan-

Even inexperienced remote supervisors can land containers ac- tageous for maintenance, including component changes,” he said.

curately and quickly on the truck trailer.”

Konecranes was the ?rst company in the world to introduce an Proven in Service

Automated Rubber Tire Gantry (ARTG) System on a wide com- The new ARTG cranes in service at TKPS have demonstrated mercial scale. The Konecranes ARTG system version 2.0 offers automation’s bene?ts in service. “TPKS is constantly striving new advantages. to improve our facilities to meet customer needs and boost our 41


Maritime Logistics Professional

Maritime Logistics Professional magazine is published six times annually.