World And U.S. Bulk Shipping
For the first time, H.P. Drewry (Shipping Consultants) Limited will hold seminars in the United States, at which time the firm's directors will share with U.S.
maritime executives their expertise and worldwide knowledge. In order to tailor the seminars to the needs of the U.S. executive, the subjects to be covered were selected by H.P. Drewry (Shipping Consultants) Inc., Houston, Texas, a wholly owned subsidiary of H.P. Drewry (Shipping Consultants) Limited of London, England.
Over the years, H.P. Drewry (Shipping Consultants) Limited has received worldwide recognition for excellence in its presentation and analysis of maritime economics and shipping operations.
The company now ranks as a foremost producer of objective and well researched publications on the numerous aspects of shipping economics. On the basis of its unique pool of professional experts and acting independently of any other commercial enterprise, the company also has built up a thriving consultancy.
There are subscribers to H.P. Drewry publications in over 80 countries, and the company has undertaken numerous consultancy a s s i g n m e n t s for a wide range of international clients.
The Seminar format has been conceived by H.P. Drewry (Shipping Consultants) Inc. to appeal to companies and organizations involved in the many aspects of international seaborne commerce, including shipowning, shipbuilding, oil, energy, mining, agriculture, chemicals, trading, ports, terminals, storage, banking, ship finance, stock broking, insurance, investment, law, education, government, international organizations, and professional associations and institutions.
The purpose of each two-day Seminar is to provide both a comprehensive picture of the trades, costs and revenues of world and U.S. tanker and drybulk cargo shipping and a forum for the study of the volatile nature of shipping costs and revenues and U.S. shipping problems.
A further aim is to compare and contrast U.S. and non-U.S. shipping costs and revenues.
Four seminars will be held in various locations throughout the United States. The seminars, all identical in subject and format, will be held on October 25-26 in Houston, Texas; October 30-31 in San Francisco, Calif.; November 2-3 in New York, N.Y., and November 7-8 in Washington, D.C.
The Program First day — An analysis of the shipping and t r a d i n g environment, placing the U.S. in a world context; and an examination of the tanker and dry-bulk carrier markets.
Registration from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.
Session 1: World Trade Review and Outlook.
Session 2: The Seaborne Trade and Transportation of Oil and Gas.
Lunch—12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Session 3: The Seaborne Trade and Transportation of Dry-Bulk Commodities.
Session 4: The Tanker Market —Structure and Trends.
Session 5: The Dry-Bulk Carrier Market—Structure and Trends.
Evening Reception—6:00 p.m.
to 7:30 p.m.
Second Day—A detailed analysis of U.S. and non-U.S. bulk shipping costs and revenues, together with an examination of U.S. bulkshipping problems. Sessions run from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Session 6: The Structure of Shipping Costs and Revenues.
Session 7: P r o s p e c t i v e Costs and Revenues in the Tanker Market.
Lunch—12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Session 8: P r o s p e c t i v e Costs and Revenues in the Dry-Bulk Market.
Session 9: Current U.S. Shipping Problems and Policies in the Global Context.
Session 10: Questions and Answers— Summing Up and Closure.
Seminar Format Each participant will receive comprehensive documentation two weeks before the Seminar. This will allow the speakers to give only summary papers with appropriate visual aids at the presentation, thereby offering maximum time for constructive discussion.
The Seminar papers will contain extensive data on bulk trades, shipping costs and revenues, and will thus serve as a valuable reference manual for the future.
An essential feature of a seminar is to encourage active participation by the delegates and in order to create an informal atmosphere and promote meaningful discussion, the number of participants at each venue will be restricted to 100.
The Seminar Team It is intended that the formal Seminar p r e s e n t a t i o n s will be made primarily by the directors of H.P. Drewry (Shipping Consultants) Limited, London, assist assisted by Prof. Victor Norman of the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, who are all experienced in presenting papers to international conferences and seminars.
The wide ranging discussions of U.S. and world shipping that will be a key feature of the seminars will be under the control of an independent chairman.
Besides the directors of H.P.
Drewry, the Seminar team consists of Professor Norman who was educated at Yale and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and was assistant professor at the Institute for Shipping Research in Bergen, Norway, from 1971 to 1975. He has written a series of articles and monographs on shipping questions. His current research r e l a t e s to international trade and the determinants of t r a n s p o r t demand; Andrew B.
Carpenter who is an economics graduate of Bristol University.
His career has been devoted to energy demand/supply forecasting and the economics of oil transportation.
As the Tanker Director of H.P. Drewry, he has been the senior consultant on a wide range of projects, including fleet acquisition policies, freight rate forecasting and secondary transport system appraisals, and Peter J.
Rowbotham, an honors graduate from London University, who, since 1959, has been associated with publishing and research organizations concerned with shipping and commodities with particular expertise in minerals. He joined H.P. Drewry in 1971 and has responsibility for publications and consultancy in dry-bulk cargo shipping.
Also on the Seminar team are Dennis Stonebridge who graduated from Bristol University in 1962 with an honors degree in economics. His early experience in maritime economics was gained with the Westinform Service and as a senior lecturer in transport at a London Polytechnic. He joined H.P. Drewry in 1973 with responsibility for shipbuilding/ship repairing publications and consultancy, and Hugh C. Williams, an honors degree g r a d u a t e from Bristol University. He also is a qualified Chartered Accountant.
He has had wide experience both as an accountant and investment analyst in the oil/gas trade and joined H.P. Drewry in 1974. He is responsible for the supervision of the energy/oil/gas inputs into publications and consultancy projects.
Registration Early registration is urged since the number of delegates is limited (100). The registration fee required will include all documentation, refreshments, two lunches and an evening social function. A reduced rate is offered for second and subsequent registrations from the same company for attendance at one venue only.
The seminars will be held in c o m f o r t a b l y arranged meeting rooms in a conveniently located hotel in each city. Hotel information will be sent to each registrant.
For further information and a registration form, contact Arthur E. Penny, Suite 318, Post Office Box 42999, Houston, Texas 77042 (telephone is Area Code 713, 932- 8821).
Read World And U.S. Bulk Shipping in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of September 1978 Maritime Reporter
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- World And U.S. Bulk Shipping page: 46
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