ESCO Offers Brochure On Shellmold Casting

A new brochure on applications of shellmold casting is available from ESCO Corporation, Portland, Ore.

The four-page color folder explains how the Shellcast™ process produces intricate, precise, finesurfaced castings to extremely close tolerances. Stable molds of Zircon sand and other features of the ESCO process result in smooth finish and dimensional accuracy that can eliminate the need for machining in many cases.

The booklet gives numerous examples of types of castings where Shellcast has been shown to produce superior results and/or lower costs. It gives casting size considerations and explains the technical support available from ESCO for casting design and metallurgical recommendations.

For a free copy of the ESCO Shellcast brochure, write to Dale Williamson, ESCO C o r p o r a t i o n, Dept. MR, P.O. Box 10123, Portland, Ore. 97210.

Other stories from April 1980 issue


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