Western Shipbuilding Association Elects Officers
The annual membership meeting of Western Shipbuilding Association (WSA) was held recently in San Francisco, Calif.
Rear Adm. James K. Nunneley, USN, Deputy Commander for Industrial and Facility Management, Naval Sea S y s t e m s Command, Washington, D.C., was the guest speaker.
Admiral Nunneley heads the expansive program of repair, alteration and overhaul of all U.S.
Navy combatant and auxiliary vessels. He discussed relations between the Navy and private shipyards, the prospects for Navy ship repair and maintenance work in West Coast shipyards during the early 1980s, and some of the problems encountered in overhauling today's sophisticated ships.
Prior to the membership meeting, the WSA board of directors, representing s h i p y a r d management and labor, held its annual meeting to elect officers and formulate association policies and programs for 1980. The following officers were elected to serve during 1980: Chairman of the board, A.J.
Maloney, Bethlehem Steel Corp., Terminal Island, Calif.; president, Walter A. Larsen, Willamette Iron & Steel Co., Portland, Ore.; assistant to the p r e s i d e n t , E.J.
Glenn, Willamette Iron & Steel Co., Portland; 1st vice president and director emeritus, Arthur E.
Farr, Pacific Coast Shipbuilders Assn., Portland; and executive secretary-treasurer, B.W. Evans, Barney Evans Public Relations, San Francisco, Calif.
Area vice presidents: Seattle-Puget Sound Area— James H. Francis, Lake Union Drydock Co.; John T. Gilbride Jr., Todd Pacific Shipyards Corp., Seattle Division; M.L. Ingwersen, Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction Co.; Frank B. Lynott, Tacoma Boatbuilding Co.; Carl R. Meurk, Todd Pacific Shipyards Corp., Seattle Division, and John P. Swanson, Boilermakers International, AFL-CIO.
Portland-Columbia River Area — Clair C. Anderson, Portland Metal Trades Council, AFL-CIO; W.J. Butler, Northwest Marine Iron Works; Bruce D. Hobbs, Dillingham Marine & Manufacturing Co., and Larry Rafferty, Boilermakers, Mount Hood Lodge No.
72, AFL-CIO.
San Francisco Bay Area—Robert K. Boyd, Guy F. Atkinson Co.; Clarence E. Briggs, Pacific Coast Metal Trades District Council, AFL-CIO; Thomas B. Crowley, Crowley M a r i t i m e Corporation; John M. Lappin, IBEW, Ninth District, AFL-CIO; Clifford P.
LeGette, Triple "A" Shipyard, Hunters Point; Gayne Y. Marriner, Bethlehem Steel Corp., San Francisco Shipyard; H.G. Rowe, Todd Pacific Shipyards Corp., San Francisco Division, and Walter E.
Willard, Willard Marine Decking, Inc.
Los Angeles-Long Beach Area — James E. Daniels, IUMSWA, AFL-CIO; C.E. Frost, Harbor Sandblasting Co.; Stuart C. Jones, Todd Pacific Shipyards Corp., Los Angeles Division; John E. Marriner, John E. Marriner & Associates; Steve M. Roberts, IUMSWA, Local No. 9, AFL-CIO, and Hans Schaefer, Todd Pacific Shipyards Corp., Los Angeles Division.
San Diego Area—P.W. Pepper, Pepper Industries, Inc.; Paul I.
Stevens, C a m p b e l l I n d u s t r i e s; Gary Weisfeld, Triple " A " South, and W.F. Wild, Atkinson Marine.
Western Pacific Area—Richard Kuwada, Pacific Container Service, Inc.; Steven Loui, Pacific Marine & Supply Co., Inc., and J.V.
Sterling Jr., D i l l i n g h am Shipyard.
Western Shipbuilding Association has served as spokesman for West Coast shipbuilding, ship repair and allied industries since its founding in 1959. The Association numbers over 175 member firms on the Pacific Coast, including Hawaii.
Other stories from April 1980 issue
- U.S., Canada To Conduct Marine Transport Study page: 4
- TMP Retained By Carnival Cruise Lines To Supervise Liner Construction Project page: 6
- French Group Receives $110-Million Offshore Rig Order From Soviet Union page: 6
- Hillman Launches 400th Barge For Crounse Corporation page: 6
- Todd Delivers Its First FFG-Class Guided Missile Frigate To The U.S. Navy page: 9
- 122-Foot Trawler/Catcher Built By MARCO For Swasand-Mannes page: 9
- Philadelphia Section Discusses Design & Construction Of 2,000-Ton Cargo Vessel page: 11
- Gus Ruetenik Promoted To Environmental Products Manager At Seaward page: 11
- Information Is Available On Three New Doppler Speed Logs By Raytheon page: 11
- OTC-8O page: 12
- Newport News Launches Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier 'Carl Vinson' page: 12
- Top Officers Named At Bird-Johnson Company page: 12
- Halter Delivers 180-Foot Offshore Supply Boat To Pelham Marine page: 14
- New England Section SNAME Hosts Student Section Guests page: 14
- Wm. B. Morgan To Head Ship Performance Dept., Taylor Research Center page: 15
- Joint North Sea Service Operation Formed By Brostrom And Tor Line page: 16
- Zidell Receives Army Dredge Repair Contract page: 16
- Swiftships, Inc. Receives Contract For Two Additional MTU-Powered Ferries page: 18
- ASNE So. New England Section Meeting Features Discussion Of Polar-Class Icebreakers page: 18
- Kutzleb Forms New Company—Steadfast Marine Consulting, Inc. page: 18
- Low Pressure Tubeaxial Fan Bulletin Available From Industrial Air, Inc. page: 20
- Bell-Halter Delivers Surface Effect Ship To Corps Of Engineers page: 20
- Admiral C.R. Bryan To Head Webb Institute page: 23
- PHB Receives Contract For Offshore Bulk Unloading Terminal In Argentina page: 23
- Levingston To Build A $28.6-Million Jackup Rig For Dixilyn-Field page: 23
- Wartsila Receives Order For 45,200-Ton Product Tanker page: 23
- PEMEX Signs Contract For IMODCO Terminal page: 24
- Danish C.G. To Use Seaward Fenders In Oil Pollution Control System page: 24
- T.J. Farrell Heads Ottawa Office Of Newport News Shipbuilding page: 25
- Brooksby And Tavrow Elected Senior Vice Presidents Of APL page: 25
- Ship Operations Symposium Set For Sept. 23-25 In NYC page: 25
- Mjellem & Karlsen Of Norway To Build Two Oceanographic Vessels page: 26
- Northwest Towboat Association Elects Board Of Directors page: 26
- Literature Available On Master Clock System page: 26
- USCG Cutter Contract Spurs $4-Million Expansion At Tacoma Boatbuilding page: 28
- Gulf Fleet Marine Completes First Phase Of $61-Million Expansion page: 28
- Posidonia 80—International Shipping Exhibition To Be Held In Greece June 2-7 page: 29
- NABRICO Names 2 New Stocking Distributors page: 29
- Strater Promoted To Northeast Sales Manager At EPSCO Marine page: 30
- E. Shaprut To Head Voith Schneider America page: 30
- Free Bulletin Gives Data On Heavy Duty Heating Coils page: 30
- New Brochure Describes Free Fall Lifeboat System page: 30
- Wager Offers Free 46 Page Equipment Catalog page: 31
- New Orleans Traffic & Transportation Bureau Elects Officers page: 31
- McDermott And Protexa Form Joint Venture- Buy Three Large Barges page: 31
- $3.3-Million Bridge Demolition Contract Awarded XPLO Corp. page: 32
- B e l g i um Firm Buys T w o Jetfoils From Boeing M a r i n e Systems page: 32
- N e w M A R C O Oil Recovery System Used In Gulf page: 32
- ABS Appointed Verification Agent In The U.S. For Offshore Fixed Structures page: 33
- Executive Changes At Energy Transportation Corp. page: 33
- COMSAT General Offers Free Color Brochure On Marisat Terminal page: 33
- SNAME Announces Committee Chairmen For 1980 page: 36
- SNAME Chesapeake Section Hears Paper On U.S. Coast Guard R&D Program page: 36
- Capital Expenditure Survey For U.S. Ports Published page: 36
- Compact 100-Watt SSB Offered By ITT Mackay —Literature Available page: 37
- RORO80 page: 38
- Halter Delivers First U.S. Survey Boat With Z-Drives page: 40
- Tracor, Inc. Receives $5-Million Navy Contract page: 40
- Laborde And Wardwell Elected To Lead NOIA page: 42
- Steve Scalzo Promoted To General Manager- Marine Operations At Fo page: 43
- Halter Marine Delivers Supply Boat 'Tara Alyene' To Briley Marine page: 44
- Satellite Communications Cost Benefit Study Offered By Maritel page: 44
- J a p a n ' s NKK Building Two 6 0 , 0 0 0 - D W T Tankers For Chief Shipping Co. page: 45
- Three Key Promotions A n n o u n c e d At Seaworthy Engine Systems, Inc. page: 45
- American Hydromath Receives Contract For Cargo Planning Computers page: 46
- Port Houston Marine Offers Services And Facilities Brochure page: 46
- Keel Laid At NASSCO For First Of Three 37,500-Ton Product Carriers page: 46
- Maritime Radio Technical Commission To Meet April 28-May 1 page: 46
- Graduate Student Paper Presented To SNAME L.A. Metropolitan Section page: 46
- Three Appointed To Engineering Department Posts At Trus Joist Corp. page: 47
- Literature Available On New Motorola 100-Watt Marine SSB Transceiver page: 47
- R.C. Kaminska And S.A. Wenk Join Bultema Dock & Dredge page: 48
- Submarine Tender McKee (AS-41) Launched At Lockheed-Seattle page: 49
- J.M. Donnelly Elected AWO Board Chairman page: 50
- Contract Awarded For Oil Loading Column With Concrete Shaft And Base page: 50
- Improved Marine Boiler Reliability — Phase II page: 50
- Big Savings Claimed For Bruce Anchor Retrieval System page: 54
- Robert Summerville To Head Electro-Nav Service Department page: 54
- Richard Jones Promoted To Sales Manager At Bethlehem Steel page: 55
- Robert H. Osmer Appointed Director Of Engineering For Bulkfleet Marine page: 55
- Solar To Design Advanced Cruise Propulsion System For U.S. Navy page: 56
- J.T. Johnson Elected President-Association Of Diving Contractors page: 56
- Privately Owned Deepsea Port Planned For Canada page: 58
- Water Resources Congress Reports Annual Meeting page: 61
- Sun Ship Lays Keel For The First Of Three Specialized Vessels For Waterman Steamship page: 62
- New MARCO Combination Boat Columbia To Fish The North Pacific page: 62
- Bath Iron Works Launches Navy Frigate Ahead Of Schedule page: 64
- First Of 4 MaK Diesels For Bulkfleet Marine page: 67
- G & W Industries Builds The #Vito C II7 —First New Construction For 30-Year Repair Firm page: 68
- Arthur G. Berndt Joins El Paso Marine As Vice President-Operations page: 69
- Chevron Transport Orders Four 35,000-Ton Tankers From Mitsubishi page: 69
- $50-Million Order For World's Largest Ore Carrier page: 70
- New Line Blind Introduced By Marland Environmental Systems—Literature Offered page: 70
- Western Shipbuilding Association Elects Officers page: 71
- NABRICO Completes 3 Barges For Binion page: 72
- ESCO Offers Brochure On Shellmold Casting page: 72
- Thorpe Named Committee Chairman By Shipbuilders Council Of America page: 73
- Japan's NKK Delivers World's Largest Class Chemical Carrier To Norwegian Owner page: 74
- S/S Resolute Delivered 13 Weeks Ahead Of Schedule page: 74
- National Supply Names Four Officials To Key Drilling Equipment Posts page: 75
- Geological Survey And USCG Plan Joint Study Of Offshore Issues page: 76
- Kvaerner Offers Literature On Ro/Ro Equipment Line page: 76
- 398,000-Ton Tanker Pacific Joins General Electric Credit Corp. Fleet page: 77
- Japan's NKK Designs Wave Energy Power Generation System page: 77
- $23-Million Subcontract To Oceanic Contractors, Inc. For North Sea Modules page: 80
- Navire Receives Order From Chinese Owners For Angled Stern Ramps page: 80
- Joe Pertofsky Heads New Henschel/Nelson Div. page: 81
- Marathon Utilizes Computer Graphics For First Computer-Designed Offshore Rig page: 82