Naval Civilian Administrators Establish New Chapter

The Naval Civilian Administrators Association (NCAA) has announced the establishment of a new chapter at the Polaris Missile Facility, Atlantic, and the Naval Weapons Station in Charleston, S.C. The officers shown above (L to R) after receiving their charter are: secretary treasurer Lynn Lamb, who is head of the Management Analyses Division, Naval Weapons Station; president Harold Harken, head of the Data Processing Department of the Polaris Missile Facility; trustees Curtis Yant, civilian personnel officer for the Polaris Missile Facility and the Naval Weapons Station, and Jim Criddle, head of the Quality Assurance Department of the Polaris Missile Facil- ity; honorary past p r e s i d e nt John Torlay, chief engineer of the Polaris Missile Facility; and vice president Ray Booker, comptroller for the Naval Weapons Station.

The NCAA is a national organization of senior level managers employed in Navy civil service.

The total membership is approximately 600, organized into 13 chapters located in seven naval shipyards, three naval aviation activities, the Naval Ships Engineering Center, the Naval Facilities E n g i n e e r i n g Command, and the Polaris Missile Facility/ Naval Weapons Station, Charleston.

Because of the positions held by the members, they exercise responsibility over many thousands of engineers, scientists, administrators, and other employees involved in the activities in which they are located. The purpose of the organization is to contribute to the management of the Department of the Navy.

Other stories from February 1981 issue


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