Gulf Oil Opens New Service Facility In Staten Island, N.Y.

Gulf Oil Company-U.S. has opened a new bulk lube facility at its Gulfport Terminal located on the Arthur Kill Waterway one mile south of Goethals Bridge on Staten Island, N.Y. The facility will provide bulk over-the-dock service of lube oil, No. 2 fuel, and potable water to towboats, catugs, and other service vessels. Packaged lubricants such as hydraulic fluids and greases also will be available.

"The new Gulfport terminal emphasizes Gulf's commitment to serve the growing inland river and coastal marine markets. Plans for similar facilities are in the works for other inland ports," M.W. Cramer, Gulf's director of industrial lubricants, said. Service at the new facility is available on a 24-hour basis at berth number 16 at Gulfport. The 600-foot dock can accommodate vessels up to 300 feet in length. Mean water level at the dock is 32 feet.

For more information on the facility, Write 68 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from February 1981 issue


Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.