Honeywell ELAC Introduces Survey/Sediment Sounder —Literature Available

Honeywell ELAC, Kiel, West Germany, a subsidiary of Honeywell Inc., Minneapolis, has introduced a survey/sediment sounder.

The new, s i n g l e - f r e q u e n cy unit, LAZ 721, can be used for inland and offshore surveys, exploration for oil, gas, and minerals, dredging operations, and for pipeline and cable laying.

The LAZ 721 utilizes a patented signal processor, LV 159, termed "Contrast Amplifier" to increase the dynamic range of the recorder to more than 30 dB.

This provides greater ability to record both very strong and very weak echoes. The object resolution is greatly increased, the radial length of recorded echoes no longer depends on the radiated pulse length, but on the structural details of the reflecting object, thus the differentiating effect of the signal processor avoids "target distortions." The Contrast Amplifier provides outstanding bottom discrimination, distinction between hard and soft ground, mud/silt layers and even sedimentation.

For a free brochure on the new LAZ 721 unit, Write 465 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from April 1981 issue


Maritime Reporter

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