Saab Purchases Salwico

The Saab-Scania Combitech, a major group of the Swedish company Saab-Scania A/B, has purchased the operations of Salwico, Inc. located in Hoboken, N.J. Saab will continue the same operations and services as formerly offered by Salwico.

The newly formed division will be known as Saab Tank Control. In addition to the marketing of Saab's microwave level gauging equipment, Saab Tank Control will continue with all marketing and services for the well known Gunclean fixed tank washing equipment; Howden's inert gas equipment; oil pollution monitors of Salwico and high level alarms and tank temperature gauging of Ian-Conrad Bergan Inc. and other marine products.

In addition the new company will manage the marketing of the Saab level gauging and inventory control systems for the industrial and tank farm industry and manage the service centers in the U.S.

James F. Rolfe, president of Salwico has been appointed president of Saab Tank Control and will continue to be located in the Hoboken office.

For further information about the new Saab Tank Control Division, Circle 52 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from April 1985 issue


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