July 16, 1985 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News

U.S. Navy To Utilize Ship Analytics Simulator For Shiphandling Training

Ship Analytics of North Stonington, Conn., has announced receipt of a three-year U.S. Navy contract for the training of senior officers at the Maritime Training and Research Center (MTRC) in Toledo, Ohio.

For seven weeks each year, Navy personnel will take part in a comprehensive, scientifically structured training program developed to enhance shiphandling skills on the $6- million simulator that was designed, built, and operated for the MRTC (MEBA/AM, District 2) by Ship Analytics.

Through courses specifically tailored by the firm to meet Navy requirements, Naval personnel will train on bridge and radar simulators, with computer-assisted classroom sessions. These sessions allow trainees to observe and analyze the progress of others, while examining alternative approaches to maneuvering their vessel, under a variety of environmental conditions.

Ship Analytics is a world leader in the design of real-time computer graphics software. It provides major systems in technologies ranging from marine simulation to military tactics. It also markets a variety of graphics presentation software to business.

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Maritime Reporter

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