July 16, 1985 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News

Fairbanks Morse Training Center Offers Finest In Hands-On Diesel Engine Service Training

The recently completed Fairbanks Morse Diesel Training Center headquartered in Beloit, Wise., is designed to give all Fairbanks Morse customer operating and service personnel the finest in handson training in service and repair of Fairbanks Morse Opposed Piston and Colt/Pielstick engines. (It also provides special training programs for US Navy personnel from around the world).

For training, the school has two complete engines installed along with working models of major engine systems and components for hands-on instruction in tear down and inspection, repair and reassembly.

In addition, sound-proof classrooms are equipped with the most modern audio visual and video tape equipment. Specially prepared video tapes covering critical maintenance procedures are used throughout the training program to help students better understand and perform proper engine maintenance.

Training programs for the Fairbanks Morse OP Engine and the Colt/Pielstick Engine are usually one or two weeks in length depend- ing upon the degree and depth of training desired. All courses are tailored to the specific requirements of each individual customer and are conducted by a skilled staff of Fairbanks Morse training instructors with assistance from manufacturing, research and engineering personnel.

After completion of their training, customer trainees are awarded a Diesel Training Center Certificate verifying the fact they have completed the prescribed course.

For more information on the Fairbanks Morse Training Center, Circle 43 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from July 16, 1985 issue


Maritime Reporter

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