L&C Associates Provides D / H And Sealing System For Two Ships

L&C Associates, Inc., North Hampton, N.H., recently announced the completion of a dehumidification and sealing system aboard the USNS Pride, an auxiliary crane ship, that will be berthed in Norfolk, Va., as part of the Ready Reserve Force.

A dehumidification, sealing and monitoring system was reinstalled aboard the SS Chesapeake.

The systems, designed by L&C Associates, will deliver a controlled flow of dehumidified air to separate zones aboard the ships. The dehumidification system will protect the ship from moisture induced corrosion by establishing a vapor barrier to keep moisture from migrating back into the dehumidified zone.

Any opening which might allow moist air to enter the dehumidified zones must be identified and sealed.

The Protective Sealing System (PSS), improves the reliability of the vapor barrier because it's durable, elastic and resistant to changes in temperature. UV light, organic chemicals and salt solutions have no negative effect on PSS and, because it's seamless, PSS is impervious to wind and moisture.

An alarm system which warns against fire, flood or intrusion was also installed aboard the SS Chesapeake.

The alarms are located in various places throughout the ship in order to provide complete coverage of all areas.

For further information about L&C Associates PSS or alarm systems, Circle 20 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from April 1992 issue


Maritime Reporter

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