AWO Testifies At USCG User Fee Hearing
The Coast Guard and Navigation Subcommittee of the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, chaired by Congressman Billy Tauzin of Louisiana, recently held a hearing on the Coast Guard's proposed regulations concerning vessel inspection and merchant mariners licensing and document fees.
Jack Park, Crowley Maritime Corporation, testified on behalf of the American Waterways Operators (AWO).
At the outset, chairman Tauzin and all other subcommittee members present expressed the view that the proposed fees were unfair, that the levels proposed clearly exceeded the cost or value of the service being provided, and that small operators would be particularly hard hit by this new financial burden.
Rear Adm. Arthur E. Henn testified that given the concerns which have been expressed by Congress and the public, the comment period would be extended, and that five regional hearings would be held during this period in order to receive additional public comments. Admiral Henn also admitted that the impacts on small operators clearly appeared to be a problem, and he believed the Coast Guard should consider a more equitable schedule to reflect actual Coltec Industries @ Visit us at ASNE Booth Nos. 302, 303, 304.
Circle 274 on Reader Service Card Fairbanks Morse Engine Division cost of the inspection service being provided.
Industry witnesses were unanimous in their opposition to the proposed fee structure, citing specific examples of the proposed fee impacts on various categories of vessel operators. Labor witnesses also opposed the fees.
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Other stories from April 1992 issue
- Council Suggests DOD Actions To Benefit US Yards page: 6
- AWO Testifies At USCG User Fee Hearing page: 6
- SPD Technologies Elects Colangelo President page: 8
- Renk Tacke Wins Planetary Gear Unit Order From Mitsubishi page: 8
- Sea-Fab Building Two Oil Skimmers For California Co-Op page: 9
- Syncrolift Shiplift Used To Launch HMS Vanguard page: 10
- Frotronics Adds Safecom CM And CP To List Of Products Marketed For Philips page: 11
- Trinity Industries Delivers Two Hydrographic Survey Ships To U.S. Navy page: 11
- MSRC Hosts Reception In N e w York City page: 12
- Comsat Corporation Names C. Thomas Faulders III Vice President And CFO page: 15
- Three Circuit Breaker Seminars Offered By SPD Technologies page: 16
- 1993 International Oil Spill Conference Issues Call For Papers page: 19
- Deerberg Offers Literature On Waste Management And Interior Design page: 20
- OTC PREVIEW Offshore Industry's Largest Show Slated For May 4-7 In Houston page: 23
- USCG Orders Differential GPS Equipment From Magnavox page: 30
- NKK, Hitachi Zosen Cooperate To Build Technigaz LNG Carriers page: 30
- U.S. Cruise Ships Poised To Sail To Havana Should Castro Be Ousted page: 31
- Subic Naval Base Losing Its Drydocks page: 31
- C.F. Laborde Elected Senior VP, Co-General Counsel Of Tidewater page: 31
- MMS Receives Five Ship Contract From Oglebay Norton page: 31
- First Spill Response Vessel Launched For MSRC By Bender Shipbuilding page: 34
- Erie Basin Bargeport Opens page: 36
- U.S. Naval Academy Acquires Eight ECO Bridge Simulators page: 36
- IHI's Contra rotating Propeller To Be Installed On VLCC Scheduled For Commissioning In 1993 page: 38
- Nichols Delivers 76-Person Ferry For Use By Saipan's Grand Hotel page: 39
- Arkhon Offers Brochure Detailing Marine Consultant Services page: 40
- ABS Holds Seminar On Tanker Designs Of The Future page: 41
- ABS Signs Agreement To Advance Phoenix World City Project page: 42
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- PSRY Now Major Center For Cruise Ship Destination, Repair And Conversion page: 45
- SPD Battery Monitoring System Praised By Canadian DOD page: 46
- Intervention/ROV '92 Set For June 10-12 In San Diego, Calif. page: 46
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- DOT Releases Port Needs Study page: 60
- ASNE DAY 92 page: 61
- AWO Urges Change In USCG User Fees Proposal page: 72
- Alaska Considers Exemption To Direct Action Requirement page: 72
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- Jotun Coatings For All Statoil Platforms page: 76
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