New Health and Safety Programs from 3M Marine

3M, the company that has provided quality respiratory and hearing protection, as well as ergonomic and other safety products for years, introduces the 3M Health and Safety Services Program. 3M Marine is introducing a series of new health and safety programs that offer medical testing and training to the marine industry. These programs help increase productivity through quick and accurate testing.

"A successful safety program extends beyond the personal protective equipment (PPE) itself to include administration testing, procedure training and equipment reviews," explains Rick Koskinen, market development manager, 3M Marine Trades Department. "In today's competitive environment where compliance isn't always enough, health and safety managers are being challenged to increase their organizations' productivity." 3M understands the value that can be created by conducting required PPE program tasks quickly and efficiently.

The 3M programs minimize employee time away from the job for testing, free up time for health and safety managers to spend on strategic or preventative activities and help to advance worker protection initiatives. All these benefits can be linked to increased worker productivity and improved business results.

With this focus, 3M introduces the following 3M Health and Safety Services: The Health Screening and Medical Surveillance program includes more than 50 custom vehicles that travel to worksites within the United States to provide services, including: pulmonary function testing, respirator fit testing, respirator training, respirator medical clearance and a hearing conservation management program. Physical exams, drug screening and vision screening are also available. 3M also offers PPE Program Assessments that help customers review various segments of their PPE Program against ANSI, NIOSH and OSHA standards. The assessment process includes coaching personnel on how to complete recommended practices in an efficient and effective manner.

The 3M Marine Trades Department, a technical service, marketing, sales and service team, is dedicated to bringing 3M products and system solutions to the marine industry. The department offers a full range of 3M products, services and technologies for manufacturers, suppliers and consumers worldwide.

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Other stories from February 2002 issue


Maritime Reporter

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